Galeria de imagens em destaque
Etiquetas de envio MyPost Business da Australia Post de forma fácil
Economize tempo automatizando a criação manual de etiquetas de envio para MyPost Business da Australia Post. Em apenas dois cliques você pode imprimir automaticamente as etiquetas de envio, completar o pedido e obter informações de rastreamento.
- Apenas dois cliques para imprimir, completar e rastrear etiquetas de envio e pedidos
- Suporta embalagens personalizadas ou de tarifa fixa, assinatura na entrega e cobertura extra
- Cumprimentos parciais, múltiplas localizações e notas de embalagem
- Envie internacionalmente ou localmente usando envio padrão ou expresso
- Imprima usando impressoras de etiquetas térmicas ou impressoras a laser comuns
Contém texto traduzido automaticamente
- Destaques
- Dá para usar direto no admin da Shopify
Este app não está traduzido para português (Brasil)
Etiquetas e embalagem
Gerenciamento de remessas
Tipos de documento
Gerenciamento de arquivos
Grátis para instalar
Taxas de postagem padrão da Australia Post aplicáveis
- 30 envios / mês
- Apoiando pequenas empresas australianas
$4.95 /mês
Taxas de postagem padrão da Australia Post aplicáveis
- 100 envios / mês
- Enviar para EZ Label
$9.95 /mês
Taxas de postagem padrão da Australia Post aplicáveis
- Envios ilimitados
- Enviar para EZ Label
- Notas de embalagem personalizadas
Contém texto traduzido automaticamente
Todas as cobranças são faturadas em USD. Cobranças recorrentes e calculadas por uso são faturadas a cada 30 dias.
Avaliações (209)
Australia Post EZ label is a great start up app for those using Aus Post for all their shipping.
Its easy to use and has a great dev team behind it who's responsive and willing to help even when youre still starting up with the free plan.
Sales has ramp up and I hope to contribute soon in making this app even more popular.
Thanks for the review!
This has to be the nicest and simplest app for Australia Post shipping labels, and 'just works'.
At first I had a few minor queries with layouts on high-DPI screens, and some features that I found were lacking, but the support team was great and advised when/how some concerns would be addressed, whilst also fixing others on the spot.
Great work team, and thank you kindly!
Perfect App, It works perfectly every single time! And fully works even on the Free plan!
Thanks for the review!
The only difficulty that I'm having is that I'd like to fulfill far more orders at a time. The app is perfect and by far the best I've tried
Thanks for the review, we'll be in touch regarding this.
Excellent value for money! I have been previously using another app to intergrate with Australia Post but changed over to this app recently, to try out.
I would love a couple of features added, if you can ;)-
1. the ability to not have the order number printed on label in the ref field (and maybe be able to enter delivery details, such as "leave at front door etc?)
2. the ability to separate "fulfill" and "print order". At this stage, I am not able to print the labels, without fulfilling. That is, I can't print the labels in the morning, ready to ship late afternoon as the order is marked as fulfilled and the customer is notified.
Great product otherwise!
Glad to hear the app is working well for you. I'll shoot you an email regarding some of these points. Thanks!
Bitnext pode responder a qualquer pergunta que você tenha sobre o app Australia Post EZ Label
suite 725, 585 little collins street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000, AU
28 de julho de 2023