R Terms and Condition Checkbox

R Terms and Condition Checkbox

Reseñas (141)

Calificación general
Recuentos por nivel de calificación
  • El 95% de las calificaciones son de 5 estrellas
  • El 1% de las calificaciones son de 4 estrellas
  • El 1% de las calificaciones son de 3 estrellas
  • El 2% de las calificaciones son de 2 estrellas
  • El 1% de las calificaciones son de 1 estrellas
12 de febrero de 2025

I can't write a review concerning the app, because until now my store doesn't start working.

Estados Unidos
2 meses usando la aplicación
Relentless Apps respondió 13 de febrero de 2025

I just sent you another email to geft****@gmail.com. Everything was working with the app when I tested it. Email me back and we will get everything fixed as soon as possible :)

I also went ahead and added code to make the link be more visible in your theme.

We are just a small business located in the US trying to make the best apps possible. Taking care of our customers is the highest priority.

I am looking forward to hearing back from you.

Relentless Apps

8 de enero de 2025

il mio ecommerce ha 3 lingue (francese, Italiano, Inglese), come faccio ad avere la traduzione del checkbox in automatica a seconda della lingua scelta dal cliente. Non sono fino ad ora riuscita a eseguire questa operazione.

Tania Zekkout
1 día usando la aplicación
Relentless Apps respondió 9 de enero de 2025

Salviamo i dati della casella di controllo dei termini e delle condizioni in un meta campo Shopify. Puoi tradurre il meta campo Shopify utilizzando un'app di traduzione.

metafield: relentless.terms_and_conditions

Potresti dover contattare lo sviluppatore dell'app che stai utilizzando per tradurre il sito per assistenza.


Per favore, rispondimi via email e fammi sapere se funziona per te.

Relentless Apps

20 de marzo de 2024

The app is confirmed by developer not to work when "BUY NOW" button is clicked, therefore a way for the customer not to agree on conditions :/

2 meses usando la aplicación
Relentless Apps respondió 26 de marzo de 2024

I am sorry our app didn't fit your needs Danny.

We offer a free app with free support. The app isn't perfect, but we plan on adding more features in the future including having our app work with the buy now buttons.