- 发现来自全球各地品牌的独特,高质量产品
- 符合条件的零售商可获得60天的付款期限
- 所有首次订单免费退货
- Faire不支持直接发货
- 自动将您的订单和库存同步到Shopify
- 亮点
- 深受美国商家喜爱
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
英语, 瑞典语, 葡萄牙语(葡萄牙), 荷兰语, 意大利语, 法语, 西班牙语, 丹麦语,以及 德语
评论 (355)
I'm registered on both Sell Wholesale and Buy Wholesale resources, but I can't go into the office to Buy Wholesale. Every time I enter my data to log in to the Buy Wholesale account, I get into the Sell Wholesale account. How do I get into the Wholesale Buy account?
It makes my life so much easier! I wish I had this when I first opened my shop!
I enjoy the plethora of options and variety from which to shop for store merchadise. It is very easy to shop for more than what you need therefore, be careful because you can spend thousands and if you miss one day of payment for whatever reason, Faire reduces your spending limit and it takes awhile to increase limit again.
Love the easy transfer of information.
I wish it auto selected the category- that's already a known thing generally and doing it by hand is time consuming.
Faire 可以回答您关于 Faire: Buy Wholesale 的任何问题。