Omtaler (401)
Etter vurdering
super application vraiment fonctionnelle. Mes ventes ont doublé quasiment. je recommande l'application
vao ve oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
the app help the store a lot. give more sales in the future i will kept this app on my app list. looking forward for this app.
magnifique c'est vraiment utile et pratique.... en plus de ça on ne dépense pas un sous la dedans ahahah
Super application ! en general il faut payer ou galerer pour pouvoir supprimer cette etape qui ne sert pas a grand vais tester de suite sur mon site !
ghj jhg ikuy uyt ug jhfbg
k,jmhngb lukjyh
lk,jmn jhg
,mProvide some detail about what you did or did not enjoy about using this app. Your comments can help other merchants decide whether to use this app.
Gostei muito do aplicativo nos trouxe muitos resultados, aguardamos mais atualizações, estamos no aguardo.
Great app, instead of Add to cart uses Buy Now which i like much more than just Add to Cart!!!! Thank you
Like the app, so far I love it I just have to try it more and see how it converts but very easy to use and set up. great app