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Den nemmeste måde at få kundefeedback direkte i din butik.
FeedbackMe Button er en app, der lader dig meget nemt tilføje en flydende Feedback-knap til din butik. Den er meget nem at installere og lader dig øge dit salg. Den flydende knap vil give dine kunder mulighed for at efterlade feedback og forslag til din butik. Entreprenører kæmper nogle gange med at forstå, hvorfor deres kunder ikke konverterer. En simpel og effektiv måde at løse dette problem på er at lytte til dem og lade dem fortælle dig, hvorfor de ikke køber.
- Lær dine kunder at kende ved at lade dem fortælle dig, hvad de vil have!
- Øg din konverteringsrate ved at besvare dine kunders spørgsmål.
- Få værdifuld feedback og forslag.
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Denne app er ikke oversat til Dansk
Standard Plan
$4.50 om måneden
4-dages gratis prøveperiode
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Alle gebyrer faktureres i USD. Tilbagevendende og brugsbaserede gebyrer faktureres hver 30. dag.
Anmeldelser (3)
This app is terrible. There is no way to access and change the text of "Leave a Feedback" which is not good English and uses lower case a. Potential customers do not want to see this text. It did not work as it did not send an email to us. A waste of time and money. After numerous attempts with Support it was deleted. I asked for the money we paid back and have not heard. This will be escalated to Shopify if we do not receive a full refund.
CON: I was looking for the ability to change the message that is displayed after the form is submitted. That capability is not offered. I was also hoping for a way to disable the feedback button temporarily but I cannot do so. Once the app is installed the button automatically appears. The actual form needs more options for customization such as adding a new field for company name, business title, etc.
PRO: I reached out to their support team to inquire about these options. They were quick to respond and friendly. They offered to provide some liquid coding that would hide the feedback button but that wasn't what I was looking for.
Overall, the button definitely works like it should, it's just hard for me to justify a $4.50 a month subscription fee for something that is so basic.
i want to unsubcribe! the app doesnt work on my site... ive tested it 4 times and and it showed up once... i cant take the risk of this happening to my customers and i also want a refund thank you...
Appsupport leveres af Webyze.
13. april 2015
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