评论 (77)

  • 75% 的评分是 5 星
  • 8% 的评分是 4 星
  • 1% 的评分是 3 星
  • 3% 的评分是 2 星
  • 13% 的评分是 1 星

flareAI has improved our online presence, resulting in 399 of our URLs being indexed by Google and a corresponding increase in organic sales for our store

lookingGLASS Lifestyle
3个月 人在使用应用
Mansion Ecommerce已回复 2023年12月8日

You are offering an exciting new Personal Styling Service, and happy to be your partner in growth


"flareAI has improved our online presence, resulting in 529 of our URLs being indexed by Google and a corresponding increase in organic sales for our store"

Simply Organic Soaps
3个月 人在使用应用
Mansion Ecommerce已回复 2023年12月8日

Glad we could resolve the issue for you. Thank you for taking the time to review


The indexing process is crazy till now. What I have done in 1 year FlareAi has done it in 3 days.
Allready seen organic traffic coming in and increasing day by day.
Congratulations to the team for this app .

27天 人在使用应用
Mansion Ecommerce已回复 2024年1月13日

We love your store as well! Appreciate your thoughts.

flareAI discovery engine is the first foundational step. The flareAI algorithm will continually tap into growth opportunities both existing and any new ones. Look for notifications and recommendations from flareAI recommendation engine.


i have seen slowly increase in traffic over a period of time

Naughty Lingerie
8个月 人在使用应用

I signed up with this service to see what it can do vs traditional ad spend. I have been using them for about two weeks and can already see improvement in my engagement stats. Their customer service is very responsive to my requests and they get back to me very quickly. I will provide a further update in the next coming months as things progress. So far I can highly recommend this app based on results to date.

Deep Blue Fishing Supplies
3年多 人在使用应用

Organic search is the most important growth channel that we have for our website. We rely on SEO because paid ads are too expensive. FlareAI really helps us improve our presence in Google Search! I highly recommend FlareAI if you have a Shopify store and need more organic (free) traffic to your store.

Bird Cage Palace
接近2年 人在使用应用
Mansion Ecommerce已回复 2022年3月3日

Congratulations on your profitable growth!


It’s hard to trust apps these days that state they will provide something but can’t prove what they promise for your money… this app is amazing and easy to understand what’s happening.. sales have increased.. traffic of the charts … if I could give 10 stars I would …

The Bat Flip Shop
1年多 人在使用应用
Mansion Ecommerce已回复 2022年10月3日

Congratulations on your amazing success!

The recipe for eCommerce sales is simple really. Build expertise in a product category niche you are passionate about. Setup a small team to deliver excellent pre-sales and post-sales support. Add flareAI, and let the magic begin :-)


FlareAI submidded + 819 urls on Google, which also helps increasing our sales. I'm very content using the app and hope it will help me grow my store more in the future.

Keelin Design
1年多 人在使用应用
Mansion Ecommerce已回复 2023年4月27日

Love your jewelry store. I am glad flareAI is helping more customers find your beautifully crafted jewelry.


flareAI has increased our Found on Google Score from 0 to 1577 URLs also we have noticed growing organic sales after adding flareAI.

Super Chill Store.com
1年多 人在使用应用

After a few issues with the setup, everything is going fine so far. The customer service is good and they respond quickly to questions. The FOG report provides valuable information. Jessica from flareAI has been very helpful in resolving any problems that have arisen since I started using the app. I have observed a significant increase in site traffic and have had some sales as a result of flareAI's bot. Will stick with flareAI with the expectation of further increases in site traffic and hopefully sales as well.

1年多 人在使用应用