SM Estimated Delivery Date ETA
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Lower delivery date or shipping date inquiry, more sales with estimated delivery date time (ETA/EDD)
Simesy Estimated Delivery Date allow you to display estimated delivery date information (EDD/ETA) such as: dispatch date, shipping date, delivery time & delivery date. With our Estimated Delivery Date app, you can show estimated shipping date on product page, cart page (popup, drawer), checkout, thank you, order status page & order email. Reduce friction to checkout with clear delivery expectations. Reduce delivery date & shipping date inquiries and increase sales conversion rates.
- Display delivery estimation (ETA/EDD) on product/cart/checkout page & email.
- Estimated delivery date (ETA/EDD) for specific products & collections.
- Set estimated shipping date based on country & province/state.
- Configure working days, cut-off time, holidays & countdown timer
- Show expected delivery date & shipping date without coding.
- Destaques
- Utilize diretamente no Admin Shopify
- Funciona com os mais recentes temas
Esta aplicação não está traduzida em português (Portugal)
Funciona com
- Estimated delivery date
- Delivery date
- Delivery time
- Online Store 2.0
- Unlimited views
- Unlimited products
- Message text, visual timeline
- Working days, cut-off time
$5.99 / mês
ou $60/ano e poupe 17%
- ETA rule for products, collections, tags
- ETA rule by countries
- Display on cart, checkout, order email
- Zipcode checker
- Translations
Avaliação gratuita de 7 dia
Todas as taxas são faturadas em USD. As taxas recorrentes e com base na utilização são faturadas a cada 30 dias.
Avaliações (61)
I'm pleased with the app as it has helped our store boost conversion rate.
Hello there and thanks for the amazing review! We appreciate it a lot! Thanks for appreciating our efforts and if you need any assistance, our support is here for you.
Very nice application that raised the level of our eshop and incredibly fast support for anything we needed!! We recommend 100%!
Hello there and thanks for the amazing review! We appreciate it a lot! Thanks for appreciating our efforts and if you need any assistance, our support is here for you.
Awesome App. Works perfectly fine. Support is very helpful. Thanks a lot. I suggest everyone to use this app to show the Estimated Time and Delivery on your website. Timer countdown is a plus. Thanks much :)
Hello there and thanks for the amazing review! We appreciate it a lot! Thanks for appreciating our efforts and if you need any assistance, our support is here for you.
I had tried a different ETA app and while robust and beautiful, there was one feature that was vital to my shop that customer service just couldn't get to work. It was also 3x more expensive. So I decided to give this one a shot and it was incredibly easy to set up and activate. I had one question about adding the ETA to order confirmations and the code snippet needed was quickly provided by customer service.
Hello there and thanks for the amazing review! We appreciate it a lot! Thanks for appreciating our efforts and if you need any assistance, our support is here for you.
Hello there and thanks for the amazing review! We appreciate it a lot! Thanks for appreciating our efforts and if you need any assistance, our support is here for you.
Assistência à aplicação fornecida por Simesy.
Este programador não oferece assistência direta em Português (portugal).
Vinhome Westpoint, Pham Hung, Ha Noi, 100000, VN
17 de agosto de 2021
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