Powerful Contact Form Builder

Powerful Contact Form Builder

Reseñas (2.030)

Calificación general
Recuentos por nivel de calificación
  • El 91% de las calificaciones son de 5 estrellas
  • El 6% de las calificaciones son de 4 estrellas
  • El 1% de las calificaciones son de 3 estrellas
  • El 1% de las calificaciones son de 2 estrellas
  • El 2% de las calificaciones son de 1 estrellas
15 de junio de 2022

This app started throwing 500 errors the second day we had the form online. The form is completely uneditable, and needed to be replaced.

Northstar Bags
Estados Unidos
4 meses usando la aplicación
27 de octubre de 2020

I am extremely shock and angry that this app do not pass user's messages to our email address. That's ridiculous! We will never find out we received so many messages untill we login this app, it suppose to forward these messages to our email so that we can reply!!! Unbelieveable!!! We missed our customers messages!!

RAE de Hong Kong (China)
2 meses usando la aplicación
10 de agosto de 2021

Users can't submit forms. We tried a test submission and it doesn't submit for some reason. Horrible App.

Girls & Roses Tattoo Studio
Estados Unidos
Alrededor de 2 meses usando la aplicación
Fecha de modificación: 1 de enero de 2020

This app blocked me. After fell attempts to help after reaching out several times. then they blocked me..https://app.shopifydevelopers.net/formbuilder/?hmac=11a23076fbd0ee77cd9756c455aafa15178dea31f50bf02e5e86dd5f3c63582a&shop=essence-of-nature-llc.myshopify.com×tamp=1577840269
still blocked!!!!!!!!!

Essence Of Nature LLC
Estados Unidos
9 días usando la aplicación
PowerfulForm.com respondió 31 de diciembre de 2019

UPDATE January 2, 2020
Could you please give me admin access to contact@globosoftware.net? I need access Apps & Themes. So I can help you to fix the issue and change fonts, color as you requested.



Hi There,

I have send you email in yesterdays. But I didn't receive your response.

How can I block someone?? This is business, we can't do something you wrote.
Please check admin access and send me again, I'm still looking for your response in my email.

22 de octubre de 2020

i've unistall this HUGE and annoying app and it reminds in code... so my page is being slow because some js from this guys that has not being removed... bad.

Estados Unidos
5 días usando la aplicación
12 de enero de 2022

I used this app and it was pathetic to its core. I had to rebuild my whole story because this app messed up my theme code and i feel sick to my stomach to say this but i just want you guys to be aware of this app and be very very careful.

4 días usando la aplicación
Fecha de modificación: 24 de noviembre de 2018

They never replied to me so I uninstalled

Novahbags Com
Estados Unidos
2 días usando la aplicación
5 de abril de 2020

60% of the app simply doesn't work. They messed up my theme then I had to clean up my theme.liquid + additional script in snippets. I would rather prefer to have Jotform or any other form app and pay some fee than this.

Guru Muscle
1 día usando la aplicación
26 de enero de 2021

Necesitaba esta app solamente para hacer ciertas preguntas a mis clientes peeero nunca funcionó , segui los pasos al pie de la letra

Tetecoloh Café
Alrededor de 7 horas usando la aplicación
20 de diciembre de 2021

HELP PLEASE: Liquid error: Could not find asset snippets/globo.formbuilder.scripts.liquid impulse help me

Alrededor de 1 hora usando la aplicación