Hextom: Free Shipping Bar
Spełnia najwyższe standardy Shopify w zakresie płynności, łatwości użytkowania i korzyści dla sprzedawcy
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Thank you for this! Easy to set up and looks great on the store. We will use this app for a long time
This app is very simple and wonderful. Very easy to set up. It is worth a try guys. Thank you for this
15 seconds setup! www.thisismanic.com
I used this app to gain more customers. Easy and fast to use its great! The video on how too was good he talked a little fast.
Peferiría versión en español, ya que me cuesta traducirla del ingles y mi lengua nativa es el español
Thanks For Creating This.... Easy and power
Really like this. Hope it helps to drive ppl to spend more with us here at the Bull Gang Inc Store.
This app was easy to use and set up. Thank you, for making my life easier! I will definitely recommend to others.
Very nice app for a prominent "free shipping" bar to let customers know about it. The only minor complaint is they say "it's free" but if you want to target customers in a certain location (i.e., the USA) you have to upgrade.
Vraiment facile à utiliser! Petit bug quand on scroll down et up; la barre de free shipping vient par-dessus la page au lieu de rester au dessus (sur les page de produits). Mais autrement c'est vraiment bien!