Gather: Refer a Friend
Galleria immagini in evidenza
Gather activates your customer to customer referral channel, with automation and personalisation.
Activate your customer base as a new, acquisition channel. Deploy a high ROAS, low CPA acquisition channel through your existing customer base. Embed the Refer a Friend experience on your site with a click of a button. With Gather you can deploy a single or tiered reward system for your referral program. Deploy single or double sided referral program. Deploy a referral program for either sales growth of email / sms lead-gen.
- Sales growth, newsletter growth or lead-gen with referrals.
- Invitations, including: email with contact search, social media and messaging.
- Deploy reward tiers / milestones. Provide One-sided or two-sided rewards.
- Enrol members in a post-purchase CTA sidebar and directly from Klaviyo.
- Design emails with a drag-and-drop editor. Design the embedded dashboard.
- Elementi chiave
- Compatibile con i temi più recenti
Questa app non è disponibile in Italiano
Funziona con
- Check-out
- klaviyo
- mailchimp
- campaign monitor
- dotmailer
- aweber
- Emma
Tipi di programmi
Premi che si possono offrire
Get Started
- No commission fees
- Up to 10 referral sales
- Up to 250 Advocates
- Multiple campaigns
- All features Included
Business Plan
$350 /mese
o a $3,150/anno con un risparmio del 25%
- No commission fees
- 5000 Advocates & 500k site views / month
- Unlimited referrals
- All features Included
- Multiple campaigns
- Set up consultation
Prova gratuita di 30 giorni
Tutte le spese sono fatturate in USD. Per gli addebiti ricorrenti e le spese basate sull’utilizzo ricevi una fattura ogni 30 giorni. Vedi tutte le opzioni di prezzo
Recensioni (36)
- Il 100% delle recensioni ha 5 stelle
Il 0% delle recensioni ha 4 stelle
Il 0% delle recensioni ha 3 stelle
Il 0% delle recensioni ha 2 stelle
Il 0% delle recensioni ha 1 stelle
Great app, it was so easy to get set up and the service from the team has been brilliant when I’ve wanted some support.
The Gather App has proven to be a great asset to my collaboration with Australian Life Magazine. Easy to use, great analytics, a great asset for achieving leads and higher sales. Thank you.
Thanks for making this great app. We are able to capture 32 new signups in a month and make extra $572.66 USD using Gather app. Highly recommend to any shop owner that haven't started to install this app.
Very easy to navigate and you can configure the pop up setting via their platform. You can grow your list and funded the upgrade fee with the profit you make easily..
Gather has been by far the most effective app we have found for customer subscription with a reward. Iz and the team had been instrumental in getting this happening for us and the fact that they are in Australia made life so much easler for us as they understand the Australian market. In such a short time of having implemented the App, we've noticed an increase in the average basket size and an increase in per order spend. THANKYOU!
I use this app to grow our customer email database and also to reduce cart abandonment. The support I received throughout the setup process was amazing. I thoroughly recommend this app!
Assistenza app fornita da Gather.
Questo sviluppatore non offre assistenza diretta in Italiano.
10 giugno 2016
Accesso ai dati
Questa app deve accedere ai seguenti dati per funzionare con il tuo negozio. Scopri perché su informativa sulla privacy degli sviluppatori.
Visualizza dati personali:
Clienti, Proprietario del negozio
Name, indirizzo email, numero di telefono, indirizzo fisico, geolocation, Indirizzo IP, browser e sistema operativo
Proprietario del negozio
Name, indirizzo email, numero di telefono, indirizzo fisico
Visualizza e modifica dati del negozio:
Clienti, prodotti, ordini, Negozio online
Modifica clienti
Dati dei clienti
Visualizza prodotti
Prodotti or collezioni
Visualizza ordini
Tutti i dettagli degli ordini degli ultimi 60 giorni
Modifica il negozio online
Tag script nel negozio online
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