评论 (403)

  • 26% 的评分是 5 星
  • 6% 的评分是 4 星
  • 13% 的评分是 3 星
  • 11% 的评分是 2 星
  • 43% 的评分是 1 星

ochen prekrasnay programma sposibo vam .............................................................

16天 人在使用应用

A shopify in-house solution for currency conversion is despeartely needed but this app does not deliver. It needs to have the option for an auto-mode where it will simply update the currency based on user location. And then we can still offer a manual option on the website if needed. But shoving users a popup in their face as soon as their land is just not a very nice UX.

15天 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2021年7月20日

Hi there, changing currency based on IP is not something we do because it goes against search engine guidelines (including Google). Instead, we recommend you use automatic redirection between international domains, which will set the currency for your customers at the same time: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/online-store/domains/managing-domains/international-domains#switch-between-international-domains


If I have a multilingual site does the default text "Looks like you’re in United States. Change to USD $? Change" automatically translated based on the country.. for example, if it detects Italian would the above text be in italian?

14天 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2020年5月4日

Thanks for the review PowaPod.

In case you have translated your site in to Italian with an app that supports the new Store languages section, then the Geolocation app will automatically display the text in Italin if the visitor's browser is set to Italian.


app is not working

13天 人在使用应用

Not a very good app, especially since Shopify have developed it. I was expecting the translation feature to translate everything on my site but it only trnaslated the text that is provided by Shopify and not what is entered and customised. Also more customisation would have been great, the ability to have a floating button or positioning in the header.

12天 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2022年5月4日

Hi there, sorry for any confusion you experienced. It is true that the Geolocation app does not translate your content for you - it will allow your customers to switch between the languages that you offer. To translate your content you should use a separate app: https://apps.shopify.com/collections/apps-for-store-languages


La instale en mi tienda de shopify www.laferiadejulio.com me parece un servicio espectacular para mis clientes .
Todo lo que se le pueda poner al cliente para que navegue mas comodo y tranquilo, es espectacular . Al cliente le da confianza navegar en su idioma , viendo los precios en su moneda , lo hace sentirse en su casa .
!!!No dejes de usar esta aplicacion, le dara valor agregado a tu pagina !!

Cosmetic Supersize
12天 人在使用应用

Brilliant App. gives my site a professional confidence ! thank you guys at shopify team , I wander if we have an app for the complete site translations with the same professionality .
i found it makes it easy for international marketing especially in those countries do not speak english as a mother language .

Live Dodey Style
10天 人在使用应用

It can only show EUR as a currency. Which i do not understand why even make a currency auto switcher when the only currency is EUR. Asking a shopify support guy and they dont know why it is that also and he will forward it to technical support.

But we know that there are 1 people working on the app and there are 0 support within the app. This is the CON of Shopify making their own apps. As they make it, then upload it to app store and then just leave and there are no support. The support link just go directily to the app site, where the only suopport you can get is to leave a review and wait for answer. Great

10天 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2023年1月3日

Hi there - sorry to hear about this frustrating experience. The reason it is only showing EUR is because that is the only currency you have enabled in Shopify Markets. You can change this by going to Settings --> Markets, selecting a country you want to offer the local currency for (e.g. Denmark), and then changing it to the local currency for that country under "Products and Pricing." If you have any questions don't hesitate to let us know!


Nice to finally see this added as a free option on Shopify and not something I have to pay another $120 a year for. Overall it's working fine for me. If you're having problems with adding this app you might want to check your theme's changelog as you might have to update to the latest version of your theme. This was the case for me. It's a headache but worth it.
I wish there was more customization for this app such as being able to change the wording used.
Finally, it would be nice if there was an option available to have currency set automatically based on location rather than requiring a pop-up or header box asking the customer if this is something they want. Arrive to the site from the US and get US currency automatically; arrive to the site from Canada and get Canadian currency automatically.

Old Faithful Shop
9天 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2020年3月14日

Hey Old Faithful Shop,

Thanks for your review. We are exploring giving more control on the content we show in the recommendation.

We do not provide an option to automatically set the default currency based on location because this may lead to problems with SEO and Google Merchant Center.

- Geolocation team


its not working at all for my website sadly i have checked and it doesnt work which is anoying as we wantto go international

TeeTees Store
8天 人在使用应用
Shopify已回复 2023年7月31日

Can you please let us know what isn't working so we can help you with this?