Display back in stock date for a product variants
back in Stock Date app helps retailers automate showing arrival date for out of stock items. Avoid losing out on customers because you are out of stock and your customer has no idea about when the item will be back. Keep your customer in loop with you by showing the expected arrival date.
- Display stock arrival date of a variant or product
- Gain more customers by showing when the product arrives
- Keep your customers up to date
- 特色
- 可直接在 Shopify 管理介面使用
- 可與最新佈景主題搭配使用
$3.99 /月
14 天免費試用
所有費用均以 USD 計價。 定期費用和依使用量計費方案,均以 30 天為週期收費。
This app has great potential and looking forward to seeing it grow!
Some key things i'd like to see - being able to choose location of ETA notification
- customising theme elements from admin bu
- Ability to filter items that have both 'active due dates' and 'expired due dates' rather than having to search for products manually
this affordable app was super easy to install and works great! Also great customer service. Would definitely recommend!
Great app! Does exactly what it says and what we need. We use it to notify our staff when out of stock products have come back into stock. Super easy to set up and works perfectly as well as really affordably priced. I highly recommend this app!
應用程式支援由 Xeon Apps 提供。