评论 (8,717)


It was very simple to add. Now working on it to do other things but looks simple. I have high hopes in terms of sales so fingers crossed.

4天 人在使用应用

I haven't used this much. But it's easy to use. Not sure what else it does. I do enjoy using Google products.

Great Sports Things
2个月 人在使用应用

its hard if you're not patient and don't have experience using it and I clearly don't have any experience using the app but to the best of my knowledge I think I set everything up correctly hopefully.

Zahara Kuba
2个月 人在使用应用

I used this app to help me set up my shopify store. I really liked how it does everything for you,I would recommed it to anyone setting up new store

2个月 人在使用应用

I didnt understand about setting up shipping hope it works out.
It was easy to use and very straightforward for the most part!

Chris's graphics printing
2个月 人在使用应用

Worst experience. Made 2 accounts was fine then got suspended on one for suspicous payment even though both accounts are on the same debit card? 1 day later my merch center got suspended for terms and conditions as well as my 2nd google ad account? Reach out to fix issue and google said I need to work on my merch account but the link from the merch center was causing my google ad account to be suspended. So i listened to Google and in the mean time unlinked my account and it was unsuspended!!!! 2 hours later it gets suspended for Circumventing???? I have done nothing but try and resolve this with google and never tried to be sneaky and make another account or anything. I have worked so hard and try so hard to email google for help and all i get back is an automated email saying your still suspending and it will remain that way till you fix whatever you need to even though it tells me nothing about what to possibly fix to get things working. Waisted so much time when I did nothing wrong I made 1 ad that ran for probably 12 hours. Waisted so much of my time.

2个月 人在使用应用
Google LLC已回复 2021年2月24日

Hey there,

Robyn here from Shopify. Thank you for taking the time to share your review of the Google Channel with us. Your feedback is extremely valuable. I'm sorry to hear of the struggles you are facing with a suspended account. I'm going to look into this and follow up with you in an email to open up the lines of communication so I can see if I can help you any further.

Robyn | Shopify


So far, I am beyond not happy! I am not even going ot bother using this app. What a waste of time. I have close to 150 products and they ALL need to be reconfigured in Google for Google. And I mean multiple reconfigurations per product! So much for bulk editor. I spent all that time setting up in Shopify and now I have to do it all again? What's the purpose for the app? I could have just set up Google separately. Why am I trying to help Shopify make more money, if they're making more work for me to do it?

2个月 人在使用应用
Google LLC已回复 2023年5月1日

Hi there,

Thanks for taking the time to submit your feedback. We're going to follow up with you over email to open up the lines of communication and see if we can address some of the issues you were having with the app.

In case the resolution lies with Google, we’ll arrange for this to be raised with the appropriate team to work through the issues with you.

Ashley | Shopify Support Specialist


Não funciona, somente tem uma mensagem dizendo: "shopify resused to connect". Como vou configurar minha loja agora?

2个月 人在使用应用

My account has been rejected since I opened the store. It tells me that I haven't added contact details and they are in the footer menu. I'm fed up. I don't know what else to do

Babilon Beauty
2个月 人在使用应用
Google LLC已回复 2022年8月23日

Hi there,

William here from Shopify support, thank you for taking the time to leave a review for our Google channel. I see that you've had some trouble getting through the setup and onboarding, I'll reach out to you to discuss the account specific details of your request and I hope that you'll be able to use the app without trouble.

William | Marketplaces Support Specialist


Better app and the best shopping ads only on here its was easy but some case it most expensive but its a genuine.

Bunco Style
2个月 人在使用应用