评论 (8,721)


seems like a common problem people are having. does not link without flagging misrepresentation. I am trying to link my store to my youtube channel and it's not working.

12天 人在使用应用
Google LLC已回复 2022年9月6日

Hi there,

Charlotte here from Shopify support, thank you for taking the time to install and use the Google channel on your store and leave a review. I'm going to follow up with you over email to open up the lines of communication and see how we can provide more support for you on this.

Charlotte | Shopify


It’s nice and simple easy to use, which is what you want, really clean and proper easy to understand

大约20小时 人在使用应用

This app has just helped me score a £11.87 CPC on a product whose retail price is £11.95.. what an absolute winner.

Made the mistake of thinking Shopify would set up defaults based on good PPC practice and then let me alter them as I learned.

But no they've setup FIXED defaults based on... oh I don't no the seasons of the moon perhaps..

Due to the massive backlog at Google (seasonal perhaps.... so a great time of year to drop this app...) I've literally waited 2 weeks to find that from the looks of things I would have been better setting a small camp fire and dishing £10 notes into it.

Though in that time I was glad to find that a good handful of categories need a Color tag and while Shopify customer service were helpful enough in their advice to set up individual variants and to change the spelling of the variant to "color"... do I really want to confuse my local UK customers into thinking we are USA based and not local ... no... no I really don't

But I'm glad your Dev's took the decision to feed in such a way that all functionality is locked at the Google Adwords end, so I can't even seperately set "color" there either.

The fact that the Ui for the app can't even draw the right page... (clicking the forward arrow doesn't mean I want to bounce back to the first page the minute I start to scroll.) is just beyond excuse.

There's so many good things about Shopify... but there are so many shockingly amateur things as well.. This falls firmly into the second camp.

Dog Krazy Gifts
12天 人在使用应用

Please roll back this to previous version. This messed up my google feed and shopping ads. PLEASE FIX . THIS WAS MY ONLY WAY OF ADVERTISING AND SELLING. SERIOUS ISSUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is no option to push the feed or republish after I make a change in product attributes.

12天 人在使用应用

I found this app easy to set up and once google had approved my products it went live. Whilst I haven't had any problems with the app I find the google charges very high. We are selling customised t-shirt for less that £10 sterling, google was charging around 10% of this cost on average for a click with [obviously] no guarantee of an order. To be honest this is unsustainable for a small business. I have found adwords cheaper and as effective if carefully chosen.

12天 人在使用应用

Awful - REDO this app please google and Shopify!! What has happened to all of my old details? OMG!

My Wedding Bling
12天 人在使用应用

Great technology, Great Support

Banger Heads

i am using this app to add my products on google search engine, the app is kinda tricky and requires a lot of data for accuracy but it's good.

12天 人在使用应用

it is convenient and helpful to the new comers. it is appreciated that if there is more supportive tools provided.

12天 人在使用应用

Its good,I love it and I will use it in future s lot.Its best app for me to get people know my merchandise.

MLVRD Mainstore
12天 人在使用应用