

Kostenloser Plan verfügbar
5,0 (1)

Instantly Identify Winning and Losing products advertised on Google Shopping

Order by order Hellihub will tell you the profitability of your business through a simple dashboard, analysing business metrics such as Ad Spend, Gross & Net Order Profit. Hellihub gives you actionable insights to make real business decisions, save money, and drive more revenue by backing winning products and eliminating losing ones.

Order by order Hellihub will tell you the profitability of your business through a simple dashboard, analysing business metrics such as Ad Spend, Gross & Net Order Profit. Hellihub gives you actionable insights to make real business decisions, save money, and drive more revenue by backing winning products and eliminating losing ones. mehr
  • Analyse the profitability of your business down to a single order.
  • Identify the products that are wasting your marketing budget for no return.
  • Divert marketing savings to back products that are making you the most returns.

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Für diese App ist keine Übersetzung auf Deutsch vorhanden.



Externe Kosten können von Hellihub Limited getrennt von deiner Shopify-Rechnung abgerechnet werden. Mehr Informationen

Free Plan


  • Our free plan is designed to only keep 7 days of data for up to 500 products. It will not give you long term insights but you can use it to


$121 / Monat

oder $1,299/Jahr mit einer Ersparnis von 11 %

  • The first step in getting serious. Get 90 days of past data and 90 days rolling for up to 500 products.

Enthält unübersetzten Text

Übersetzung anzeigen

Alle Gebühren werden in USD berechnet. Wiederkehrende und nutzungsabhängige Gebühren werden alle 30 Tage in Rechnung gestellt. Alle Preisoptionen anzeigen

Rezensionen (1)

Anzahl pro Bewertungsstufe
  • 100 % der Bewertungen sind 5 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 4 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 3 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 2 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 1 Sterne
20. September 2024

Hellihub has given our business insights that we have never had before. With Hellihub we know which of our products are making us money and which are losing money. With this information we have increased our revenue and decreased our marketing spend. If you run a Google Shopping campaign you need Hellihub, or you're just throwing money away.

Results RNA
Vereinigte Staaten
20 tage mit der App


App-Support von Hellihub Limited


Dieser Entwickler bietet keinen direkten Support auf Deutsch an.


Hellihub Limited

The Counting House, High Street, Lutterworth, ENG, LE17 4AY, GB


18. April 2024

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