리뷰 (1,335)

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2018년 2월 6일

Great customer service thank you very much!

앱 사용 기간 1년 초과
2018년 11월 6일

Excellent App. Makes a really nice FAQ for customers, doesn't have crazy pop-ups or review requests, and is super easy to set up. Very useful.

Girl on Bike Action
앱 사용 기간 1년 초과
2017년 4월 26일

Easy to instal, easy to use. Made it all easy to engage customers. Would be nice to include the standard FAQs that could be edited.

앱 사용 기간 1년 초과
2020년 7월 27일에 편집됨

Installed this app about 2 months ago, I have not needed to upgrade as yet but so far so good. would recommend

앱 사용 기간 1년 초과
2018년 11월 9일

Good app. Very great customer support. I can recommend it...........................................

Fit Beans®
앱 사용 기간 1년 초과
2021년 5월 24일

I finally found an app that gives my website another notch of elevation. thanks. It's easy to apply. Im still working on implementing the Helpdesk feature. But so far so good.

앱 사용 기간 1년 초과
2018년 3월 2일에 편집됨

L'application est pratique et bien faite. Mais j'ai eu un souci : une fois insérée dans le menu principal, dès que j'ai cliqué sur le lien de la FAQ, tous les liens de la page sont devenus bleus !
J'ai contacté le support qui m'a répondu dans les 45 minutes suivantes : bravo !
Leur réponse a été pertinente : il ne faut pas importer de texte déjà formaté dans leur éditeur de texte, mais le formater dans cet éditeur. Ce qui s'est passé, c'est que j'avais importé un texte avec un lien vers une page. C'est ce lien qui a mis la pagaille.. J'ai donc tout effacé, réimporté le texte sans le lien, et créé le lien dans l'éditeur de texte. Et tout est maintenant OK.
Merci donc à toute l'équipe pour leur rapidité et l'efficacité de leur réponse.
Cela fonctionne parfaitement, et le résultat est très pro ! Je recommanderai sans hésiter cette application à mes amis.

The application is practical and well done. But I had a problem: once inserted in the main menu, as soon as I clicked on the FAQ link, all links on the page became blue!
I contacted the support who responded within 45 minutes: bravo!
Their answer was relevant: do not import text already formatted in their text editor, but format it in this editor. What happened was that I had imported a text with a link to a page. It was this link that made the mess .. So I erased everything, reimported the text without the link, and created the link in the text editor. And everything is OK now.
So thank you to the team for their speed and the efficiency of their response.
It works perfectly, and the result is very pro! I will definitely recommend this app to my friends.

앱 사용 기간 1년 초과
2017년 6월 9일

This is a great app, and it made it very easy to build a nice looking FAQs page!

Goodlife Discount
앱 사용 기간 1년 초과
2017년 2월 23일

Great App. So simple to use and works great. Definitely recommend it.

앱 사용 기간 1년 초과
2022년 5월 27일

Donatas is really friendly and helpful!!
This is a great platform for marketers who want to create a FAQ page for their business. I really like the FAQ page that I made for my business because it allows me to keep my customers informed about all of my latest offers and promotions. The live chat is another great feature that makes it easy to serve my customers and provide them with the support they need. It is a great platform that allows me to create a page that is unique to my business

앱 사용 기간 1년 초과