Galerie d’images vedette
Chargez des images de produits en masse.
Téléchargez facilement des images pour vos produits à partir d'un fichier Zip. Utilisez le nom de l'image pour l'associer au SKU du produit ou de la variante. Vous pouvez télécharger plus d'une image par produit en ajoutant un numéro à la fin du nom pour identifier l'ordre.
- Téléchargez plus facilement des images de produits depuis votre ordinateur.
- Associez l'image au produit en utilisant le SKU.
- Associez automatiquement les images à leur variante.
- Obtenez un rapport des produits sans image à la fin de chaque téléchargement.
Contient du texte traduit automatiquement
- Caractéristiques
- Utilisation directe dans l’interface administrateur Shopify
Cette application n’est pas traduite en français
Frais uniques
$40 frais uniques
Contient du texte traduit automatiquement
Tous les frais sont facturés en USD.
Avis (3)
The app can upload photos for products, but it doesn't upload them to variants. And for products with variants that have the same SKU, duplicates appear in the product photo. I've written to the developer in all available communication channels, but he hasn't responded for a week. I don't recommend buying this app if you need support for it.
Hi there,
it would be really cool to have a test Version of your App, so to test if the App works as promoted, before buying it!
It seems the App is now broken. cant upload any pictures anymore. :-(
System works again! Some improvements would be awesome
We apologize by the unconvinient, we already fix the problem was getting your store stuck, please let me know if you need some further information by writing on the support channel. Best regards!
i wanted to make rewiev because its amazing app and nobody didtn put rewievs. Probably developer dont provide trial or test version because of that nobody dont buy. I bought and its perfect!
i just started to use now and seems perfect what i want. to not make worry user i will explain shortly how its working:
-product photo file name and product file SKU name have to be same. For example you have one ring and SKU is rng1000 so photo file name have to be rng1000
-app for now only accept zip file, you cant add as directly jpg or png etd.
-but on the same zip file you can add more products photos and zip file dont HAVE to be same with sku. Its important photos name. on the zip file name you can put random name.
-so basicly inside of one zip file, you can add MORE products: for example rng1000, rng1001, rng1002 etd and you can put random file name of zip.
for now everthing seems okay, only zip file make us two job but better than add photos in manually. I hope developer will fix this soon.
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Ruta t-625, futrono, Futrono, LR, 5180000, CL
2 décembre 2022