レビュー (110)
Beautifully intuitive app with a lot of great features that fit a modern minded and well run warehouse. If you're thinking about and wanting to get serious about organization, eliminating waste, and creating a happy employee and customer experience, iPacky is THE app to use. I've looked around and this one addressed my needs perfectly. The developer has thought about the best practices for running an efficient operation and they are constantly improving the app to fit the needs of a Shopify + fulfillment store. The installation and setup is incredibly easy and documentation is very detailed. We were able to train staff quite fast. It's comparable to an Apple product - it just works once you turn it on. If you experience trouble or have questions about the product, the developer is quite responsive and friendly. I rarely post reviews for a paid app, but my experience with the product and service was quite amazing. I whole heartedly support this app and vouch for it's useful features. Thanks iPacky!
Here's David from iPacky. Thank you so much for your awesome comments, we're really happy to know that you love our app. Your feedback really means a lot to our team, and we have been trying our best to develop and improve iPacky to serve you and meet your demand.
We count ourselves lucky for iPacky users like you!
Please, don't hesitate to email us for any queries at support@ipacky.com.
Founder of iPacky app
Excellent App, does exactly what we require, helped to reduce picking faults, which therefore increased capacity in customer service, saved us extra postage charges all whilst increasing the customer's satisfaction score. The support team are always very responsive and carried out a few minor tweaks for us which made this app the best out of all the ones available.
As always we appreciate your feedbacks, and will continue to support you in the best manner possible.
Vi har en medium stor nettbutikk som selger B2B i Norge, og hadde et behov for et plukk og pakk system. Vi oppdaget at våre lagermedarbeidere ble forvirret og frustrert slik det var, og det ble mye feil. Etter at vi begynte å bruke iPacky så har lageret og nettbutikken vår nådd nye høyder. Vi kan nå se for oss større, bedre og enklere vekst, takket være at vi endelig har alt i system. Etter 5 år med Shopify er dette den mest geniale, og mest fantastiske appen jeg noen gang har lastet ned. Og jeg vil anbefale den til absolutt alle. Det er nesten en fornærmelse å kalle det en app, iPacky er et gjennomført og fullstendig system. Fordelene jeg har satt mest pris på:
- Systemet er på Norsk
- Fantastisk kundeservice (også på norsk) - iPacky er hele tiden under utvikling for å møte vårt behov. Så vi trenger ikke være redd for å låse oss fast i et gammeldags system.
- Enkelt å bruke, opplæring er derfor også veldig lett.
- Skreddersy tilgangen og muligheter til ulike ansatte. Selv lyder kan tilpasses!
- Enkelt for pakker å kommunisere med lageransvarlig på mail. - Hylleplasser så vi kan lage ruter på lageret (dette er et must)
- Idiotsikkert, veldig mye vanskeligere å gjøre feil da ordren sjekkes flere ganger.
- Vi valgte å gå over til å ha strekkoder på alle produktene våre. Slik at alt scannes for å være helt sikker på at vi ikke gjør feil.
- Gode rapporter som forteller deg alt om hvordan de som plukker og pakker presterer. Tusen takk David for at du har utviklet iPacky, og brenner for å gjøre hverdagen vår enklere. Av alle system jeg har testet til lageret er dette det mest gjennomførte jeg har vært borti. Apper som jeg anbefaler i tillegg til iPacky: - Bundles app (integrerer)
- Inventory Planner - for å holde styr på beholdningen og vareleveringer
- Order tagger- for å sette regler for fullføring i iPacky. Feks få opp meldinger på skjermen om ulike kunder handler, eller info om spesifikke produkter.
Hei! Takk for din fantastiske tilbakemelding. Vi er veldig glade at dere er fornøyde, og det er alltid veldig hyggelig å prate med dere.
We've been using Ipacky for more than a year. Great product and increases productivity while reducing errors. The support team is super responsive.
Thank you so much for your fantastic review. We're so grateful.
An awesome app that adds comprehensive and useful features than any Shopify store can use to streamline their picking & packing procedures!
Thank you so much for your excellent review!
Muy buena aplicación y soporte. Nos ha ayudado muchísimo a reducir errores y hacer el proceso más rápido.
Thank you so much for your great feedback!
muy buena aplicación, se ha convertido en el la base de nuestra empresa. tiene todas las cosas que uno necesita y el soporte es muy bueno.
We're happy that you are satisfied. Thank you!
iPacky is the ultimate solution for flawless packing for us! We have said goodbye to packing mistakes once and for all thanks to iPacky. By simply scanning each item, the app meticulously tracks every action that our packers take, ensuring accuracy and efficiency throughout the packing process.
iPacky is incredibly easy to use, and also seamlessly integrates with Shopify, making it compatible with any device that has a browser. We are so glad for using this fantastic app and we surely recommend it for every business which has the need for it.
Best regards!
Thank you so much!!
I want to say thank you to David for the great support every time, the app is very helpful for our fullfillment process!
Thank you also for a great business relationship.
Wij gebruiken Ipacky voor het afhandelen, scannen van producten van de order en maken van labels. Zijn er erg tevreden over, we maken zo geen fouten meer in het versturen van producten. We hebben een koppeling met sendcloud. David doet er alles aan om je te helpen. Hele goede klantenservice. Blij mee!
Thank you so much for your great review. We're so happy that you enjoy iPacky!