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$19.99 / måned
Første 500: $0.09 per ordre, neste 2000: $0.075 per ordre, neste 2500: $0.05 per ordre, over 5000: $0.035 per ordre
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Omtaler (104)
We’ve been using iPacky for over 2 years now. The product is user-friendly and has significantly boosted our efficiency! We recently set up a second location and needed help from customer support. They responded promptly and were very helpful. Highly recommend iPacky to everyone looking to streamline their operations!
Hi! We're glad that you're satisfied with iPacky.
we have been using the app for over 8 months now and extremly happy with it - the support always replies very promptly (very helpful when setting up the app) and there are constantly updates that add new features and improve the app. We highly recommend this app!
Thank you so much for your excellent feedback!
The Ipacky app has truly revolutionized my packing routine. One feature I particularly love is the ability to confirm items before bagging them. This has been a game-changer for me!
Before I started using Ipacky, I often found myself second-guessing whether I had packed everything I needed. With Ipacky, I can easily check off items as I pack them, ensuring nothing is left behind. The confirmation process is smooth and intuitive, allowing me to review and finalize my packing list with confidence.
We're so happy that you have improved the picking&packing process!
iPacky is an incredibly powerful tool for picking and packing. It has helped us double our shipping capacity while maintaining an error-free process. Although the numerous options can be overwhelming at first, once you adjust and set your conditions, you'll have a very efficient system.
We're utilizing the digital picking and order verification features, along with auto-generated shipping labels. This allows us to fulfill orders faster and more accurately than before. The use of tones and visual aids helps our staff quickly resolve any issues.
iPacky's dedicated login system is particularly valuable. It allows our warehouse team to operate independently of our Shopify store, reducing the risk of unwanted changes to orders and tags. This keeps everything organized and helps streamline our process flow.
iPacky is a reliable picking and packing solution. It keeps your operations smooth and efficient, whether you're working in-store or from a separate warehouse or both.
Thank you so much for a detailed and amazing review!
We've found I-Packy to be a fantastic solution for our small business without the need for a full WMS. The costs are very reasonable and integration has been smooth, most importantly the after care support we have received has been excellent. Since implementing I-Packy, our picking and packing process has been completely streamlined and it has reduced errors completely. There are loads of helpful options such as being able to take a photograph of the picked products before packing to dis-prove any discrepancies on delivery. Overall we're really happy with I-Packy and would highly recommend to anyone.
Hi! Thank you so much for your excellent feedback on iPacky! It's been a pleasure helping you to improve.
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23. oktober 2020 · Endringslogg