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Reduce page load time. Improve user experience and ultimate conversions.
Jumbo page speed optimizer makes web pages load faster by pre-loading them, so your visitors can navigate between pages instantaneously. When a visitor hovers their mouse on a link, Jumbo pre-loads the page so when they click on it, the page text content is already there. This increases conversion as it reduces drop off rates between homepage or collection pages and product pages. Jumbo works on web and on mobile for an enhanced experience to all your website visitors.
- Reduce the time it takes for your visitors to load pages
- Optimize your entire website in a couple of clicks
- Built exclusively for Shopify stores
- Turn it on and off in just a click
Contém texto sem tradução
Este app não está traduzido para português (Brasil)
- - Optimize speed for your homepage only
$9.90 /mês
- - Optimize speed for all your pages
Avaliação gratuita de 3 dias
Contém texto sem tradução
Todas as cobranças são faturadas em USD. Cobranças recorrentes e calculadas por uso são faturadas a cada 30 dias.
Avaliações (23)
I tested Jumbo on my store and I can honestly say it delivers. Pre-loading works perfectly. Thank you very much! I fully recommend it!
Used this, checked everything so far so good, i can say that my page was faster than usuall.. recommended!
We're glad you've noticed it and liking it. We're definitely confident in how it will help increase conversion. Can't wait to see your success!
Very nice app and keeps our store speeded up which is vital for google search placement and sales to reduce abadoned carts.
Thank you Jumbo for making my website noticeably faster and kindly note this works well, it will definitely bring a good user experience. great job!
So glad to hear!
Thanks for the kind words and happy to see you're as focused as we are on user experience.
Wishing you all the best for Christmas season :)
Super easy to use and super fast .It made my site way more faster with its pre-loading feature for every image and button.
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7 de julho de 2020