추천 이미지 갤러리
Effortlessly Create, Manage, and Track Powerful Coupons to Drive Sales and Customer Loyalty!
Create and manage enticing promotional coupon offers designed to attract and retain customers. Offer discounts, special deals, or exclusive offers directly through your online store with a Discount Coupon Pop Up. By integrating these eye-catching discount pop-ups into your customer experience, Pop Up Discount Code helps you enhance conversions, build strong customer loyalty, and drive substantial revenue growth. Discover the power of effective promotions with Discount Code & Coupons Offer!
- Capture attention and drive conversions with effective coupon offer pop-ups.
- Add customizable discount coupons to your store to boost sales.
- Fully customizable template and content copy to match your brand's style.
- Track the performance of your coupons with detailed analytics and reports.
- 50+ pre-made multi-templates.
- 하이라이트
- 최신 테마와 작동
이 앱은 한국어로 번역되지 않았습니다
팝업 유형
팝업 관리
무료 설치
All Features Included. No additional Cost. 0% Commissions on Sales
- Setting up your store? Don't worry use our app it is free for the development store.
$6 /월
5,000 Page views per month
- Coupons Offer
- Discount Code
- Analytics
- Target
- Collect emails or show the coupon code
- All other features
7일 무료 체험
Growth 2
$12 /월
50,000 Page views per month
- Coupons Offer
- Discount Code
- Analytics
- Target
- Collect emails or show the coupon code
- All other features
7일 무료 체험
모든 비용은 USD(으)로 청구됩니다. 반복 요금 및 사용 기반 요금은 30일마다 청구됩니다.
리뷰 (40)
great pop up banner, many design options and the ability to show a coupon code
really good support, very helpful, great app
easiest thing to set up and very useful
Exceptional customer support and an incredibly seamless experience with Coupon K's Pop-Up Discount Code feature! What truly stood out was the prompt assistance I received from their support team when I had a query. They were courteous, efficient, and resolved my issue in no time. I highly recommend Coupon K to anyone looking for a hassle-free shopping experience and top-notch customer service. Five stars all the way!
easy to use and quite satisfying
Kaktus에서 Coupon K: Pop Up Discount Code에 대한 회원님의 모든 질문에 답변해 드릴 수 있습니다.