รีวิว (3,273)
Took about 2 months to try and get Klaviyo to integrate with Shopify tags with lots of back and forth between support who weren't able to assist me properly, rather just sending me a link to an article. We were also overcharged for 3 months and still yet to receive our money back.
Set up with Omnisend and immediately the integrations of profile data, segmentation and shopify tags were there ...
Completely unreliable software. Sometimes a campaign sends, sometimes it doesn't. Often have to keep repeating setup until it decides to send.
Added the Reviews feature, and before we've had a chance to even send out a single review request, a notification has come through that we've "used 97% of your monthly plan for reviews."
Not 1 single review request email has even been sent. And we owe $250 in review request charges? Doesn't make a lick of sense.
A review feature should bill based on reviews. Klaviyo is already a super pricey ...
There billing is deplorable. You can't make changes to your account without being double billed. They don't do proration and then if you wait to change your plan at the end of your billing so you don't get double charged they will still charge you for the highest plan and tell you that they can't help you and you aren't owed a refund of the difference.
I call that theft. I downgraded to a $100 ...
The interface and features are really impressive, so too the pricing promoted with the app-store. Once you are using it and your member numbers get over a few thousand, the costs skyrocket. Then if you uninstall it, beware. The pop-up windows for my newsletter sign-up remain. Shopify could not assist and referred me to Klayvio. This problem is still yet to be resolved and creating a horrible user ...
Sämta appen jag har varit med om, har gett dom två chanser för jag ville verkligen få detta att fungera men det går bara inte. ingen support, ingen live chat, inget telefonnummer. Du vet inte hur mycket du ska betala tills du får en faktura på tusentals kronor. Hela systemet är gammalt och svårt och avancerat att använda. Jag recommender inte denna överdrivet dyra app med ingen support bakom tyvä ...
Jag beklagar att höra om din negativa upplevelse med appen. Din feedback är värdefull, och vi arbetar på att göra appen mer användarvänlig. Vänligen kontakta oss på feedback@ ...
Pretty crazy price increases on lifelong customers; we've been a customer since we ever started our business and Klaviyo has unfortunately become the only app in our stack that constantly increases their prices while adding 0 new features/functionality. it's good until you get up to ~50,000 or so profiles, then you should look to switch off of them.
Their form stopped to shop up without notice as I experience unmatching data analytics between how many customer left an empty cart and then indeed a form should be shown up.
On top, I understand perfectly provide a payment tier for fast support but eliminate it as a way to resolve something that seems due to their feature not working, I think isn't the best experience.
That's why I am proving 1 ...
We recommend going through our community pages to help with the issue you are experiencing. https://community.klaviyo.com/
As well as going through our help center. ...
My email photos are broken, and the emails look like a joke on the free plan. You get what you pay for. When I tried to upgrade, the least expensive plan I can purchase is $350 a month!!! What a joke. First of all, my niche does not do well with email marketing; I need minimal emails, but I need to them to be professional. Klaviyo emails ruin my credibility. Can't get any customer service because ...
Think twice before using or even trying the app. They charge for unnecessary things as well as lack professionalism and communication. If you value your company and need solutions immediately choose an app that will be there for you when you need them instead of a company just out here to make a quick buck. They have many competitors with the same features who are not looking to be a problem but ...