Making different order amount value for each orders
If you still receive manual bank transfers when your customers place orders, then this app is very suitable because it can make it easier to check transactions for each order with a different order nominal than the others.
- Make differences of each orders
- Makes it easier to check orders
- Speed up the order process
$4.99 /月
7 天免費試用
所有費用均以 USD 計價。 定期費用和依使用量計費方案,均以 30 天為週期收費。
I was greatly helped by this application, initially I was very difficult to identify payments for bank transfers due to the same nominal amount.
I was very helped with this application, initially I was very difficult to identify payments for bank transfers because the same nominal amount but when using this application to identify payments once helped. thank you!
This apps helped me to manage transaction data to do account reconcilement accordingly. I hope the developer could continue the development.
Bangga buatan anak Bangsa, Bangga buatan anak Bangsa, Bangga buatan anak Bangsa, Bangga buatan anak Bangsa,
terimakasih :)
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