LeadDyno Affiliate Marketing
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Allt du behöver för att starta, hantera och utveckla ett butiksaffiliat, referens- eller influencermarknadsföringsprogram.
Öka din Shopify e-handelsbutik, app eller SaaS-företagsintäkter med ett affiliate, referens- eller influencermarknadsföringsprogram. Ställ in en allt-i-ett-affiliate eller influencer-spårning & referenslösning för att engagera & belöna affiliates, referenter & influencers, automatisera marknadsföring, genomföra recensioner & analysera resultat. LeadDyno hjälper till att anpassa din affiliate-webbplats till att vara en förlängning av ditt varumärke. Affiliates kan logga in, spåra försäljning & provisioner, & se vilka produkter som säljs & kunderna som köper dem.
- Obegränsade affiliate, referens, eller influencer belöningskonfigurationer
- Obegränsade affiliates, referenter, eller influencers
- Besökare, lead, och konverteringsspårning
- Obegränsade transaktioner
Innehåller automatöversatt text
Denna app finns inte översatt till svenska
Fungerar med
PayPal, HubSpot, Zapier, Stripe, MailChimp, WebhookKategorier
$49 /månad
- Upp till 50 Affiliates
- 1 Provision Plan
- 1 Affiliate Grupp
Prova gratis i 30 dagar
$129 /månad
- Upp till 150 Affiliates
- 3 Provision Plans
- 2 Affiliate Grupper
- +1 Team Medlem
- Anpassad Affiliate Registrering
- Anpassad Domän
- 1:1 Video Support
Prova gratis i 30 dagar
$349 /månad
- Upp till 500 Affiliates
- Obegränsade Provision Plans
- 4 Affiliate Grupper
- +3 Team Medlemmar
- Per Produkt Provisioner
- Anpassad Domän
- ... och Mer
Prova gratis i 30 dagar
$749 /månad
- Obegränsade Affiliates & Funktioner
- Ny Kund Bounty
- Personlig Rapportering
- Prioriterad Support
- Concierge Setup
- ... och Mer
Prova gratis i 30 dagar
Innehåller automatöversatt text
Alla avgifter debiteras i USD. Återkommande och användningsbaserade avgifter faktureras var 30:e dag. Se alla prisalternativ
Recensioner (644)
Leaddyno has been very easy to setup and the support is always ready to assist with any questions. Testing the function is very easy, and the potential for affiliate growth and production has our startup very excited. You cannot beat the price for this type of specialized service.
Great! Meets all our requirements, very helpful, and the additional 'approval' option is fab
After two unsuccessful attempts with other affiliate schemes we chose LeadDyno for a few reasons. The Shopify integration is really quick and easy - no programming required and you're off and running with the setup of schemes within minutes. The LeadDyno website gave me comprehensive information about the product in order to make an informed decision to install it without having to contact the company directly. There's also a tiered scheme which I needed as I have affiliates who refer each other and each get different percentages in commission. It is also a fixed price per month which we like.
I'd say the best thing about this app is the support -- Adam did a great job answering all questions and exceeded my expectations :)
We've been using LeadDyno for several years now. It's a simple and effective way to create and manage an affiliate marketing program. Would recommend to a friend!
Thanks for the review. We appreciate you being a loyal customer for so many years.
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9 september 2013