通过 Linktree,您可以在一个简单的链接中分享您在线创建、策展和销售的所有内容。
在几分钟内创建并自定义您的个人简介链接 * 将您的社交媒体、网站、Shopify 商店、视频、音乐、播客、活动等内容连接到旨在实现转化的个人简介登陆页面 在任何位置分享您的 Linktree * 在人们可以关注您的任何地方包含您的唯一 URL,并在每个平台上更快地扩大受众群 分析您的客户并与其保持互动 * 跟踪随时间推移的参与度情况、监控收入、了解哪些内容可推动转化以及深入了解您的销售漏斗
- 选择您的颜色、字体和背景,或使用简单的预设计模板
- 与您已使用的工具、应用和平台无缝集成
- 使用拖放编辑器在几秒钟内管理、更新和安排内容
- 通过直接在您的 Linktree 中显示 Shopify 店面来在社交媒体上增加销量
- 获取您自己的二维码,将您的线下流量引导到线上
- 亮点
- 深受美国商家喜爱
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
外部费用可能由 Linktr.ee 收取,不会计入您的 Shopify 发票。 详细了解
- 无限链接和一个可自定义的 Linktree,可将您的社区与您的一切内容进行连接。
$5 /月
或 $48/年(可节省 20%)
- 为创作者提供更多自定义和控制功能,使更多流量到达和通过 Linktree。
$9 /月
或 $90/年(可节省 17%)
- 通过品牌化的 Linktree 可持续扩大、了解和拥有您的粉丝群。
$24 /月
或 $234/年(可节省 19%)
- VIP 支持计划,面向已准备好扩大收入和销售规模的企业。
评论 (19)
From the get-go, Linktree was a breath of fresh air. Its setup was straightforward, and in no time, I had a sleek, organized list of links to share with our social media followers.
i paid for full premium service on Linktree with the whole purpose to drive traffic to my Shopify. This was THE ONLY reason i paid for the WHOLE YEAR in advance, after reading their promo. IF you are like me: DON'T DO IT! DON'T PAY them! I have a choice of listing 6 products with never-loading photos or black background photos OR AN ERROR MESSAGE 503 or 502 - SERVICE TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE or WRONG GATEWAY. Absolute rubbish of an app. Their Customer Service is a mediocre Bot that just keeps sending me a link on how to set up Shopify - the same process that DOESN'T WORK!
I have been using Linktree since 2020 and love how now there's an option where I can add my products and collections from Shopify. It's easy to set up and for people to discover my store!
Being able to put my collections or products straight onto my linktree has been super helpful. It's an easy connection and fun to use. Nice one linktree!
Works like a dream. Easy setup. Shows the store right on the linktree (with their own various options). Did it all in about 7 minutes, no kidding. Lots of love!
Linktr.ee 可以回答您关于 Linktree 的任何问题。