LitCommerce Amazon eBay Etsy +
- Priser
Gratisplan tillgänglig
- Höjdpunkter
- Populär bland företag i USA
- Betyg
- 4,8 (343)
- Utvecklare
- LitCommerce
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Sälj på Etsy, eBay, Amazon, Walmart, TikTok Shop, etc. Aktivera synkronisering av listor, beställningar och lager.
LitCommerce gör det enkelt att sälja på Amazon, Etsy, eBay, TikTok Shop och Walmart (USA och Kanada) utan att behöva byta plattform. Vår integration synkroniserar listor, beställningar och lager nästan i realtid, vilket hjälper dig att undvika översäljning och minska manuella uppgifter. Hantera allt från en lättanvänd instrumentpanel, spara tid och öka försäljningen. Inga tekniska kunskaper krävs. Njut av tillagda funktioner som valutaomvandling, avancerad listredigerare, massimport/listning eller flexibla listningsregler.
- Sälj på flera kanaler samtidigt: Amazon, eBay, Etsy, TikTok Shop, 20+ fler.
- Massimportera & redigera/skapa listor i ett användarvänligt gränssnitt.
- Massapplicera produktattribut genom att ställa in regler för att automatisera processen.
- Nästan omedelbar synkronisering av lager, pris, SKU mellan Shopify och andra försäljningskanaler.
- Importera & håll koll på kanalernas beställningar från Shopify för en korrekt försäljningsrapport.
Innehåller automatöversatt text
- Höjdpunkter
- Populär bland företag i USA
Denna app finns inte översatt till svenska
Fungerar med
Etsy, eBay, Walmart, Facebook, Amazon, TikTok ShopKategorier
Hantering av listning
Aviseringar och rapporter
- 2 Kanaler
- 20 Listor
- Avancerad Listningshanterare
- Mallar & Recept
- Felrapport
- Ingen Pris- & Kvantitetssynkronisering
- Ingen Ordersynkronisering
- Teknisk support
Betala per användning
$29 /månad
eller $244/år och spara 30 %
- Alla funktioner i Gratisplanen
- Från 1 000 Listor
- Från 3 Kanaler
- Pris- & Kvantitetssynk/Modifierare
- Obegränsad Ordersynkronisering
- Försäljningsrapport
- VIP-support
Innehåller automatöversatt text
Alla avgifter debiteras i USD. Återkommande och användningsbaserade avgifter faktureras var 30:e dag. Se alla prisalternativ
Recensioner (343)
I've been using LitCommerce with 2 eBay accounts, 1 Etsy account and 1 Shopify store for around a year now. Support has always been very good and available when I needed it.
Listing items to multiple sales channels used to be an absolute pain - now I list once in Shopify and then LitCommerce syncs them to my other accounts. The features I particularly like are the ability to create a recipe of settings for individual sales channels. An example of this is a recipe of settings such as refund policy and shipping policy for eBay that is only applied to that channel. I have another recipe for another ebay channel that offers free postage - when I list with that recipe LitCommerce automatically reduces the postage to zero but increases the sale price of the item as configured by me.
All sales across all channels are synced in to my Shopify account which allows me to manage inventory and see what the best selling items are etc. Where available, email addresses are also imported to Shopify - handy for news letters etc.
I do find LitCommerce saves me a lot of time. My review skims over a lot of features but they offer a free trial so you can see if it fits your needs.
I've tried several apps in this space with varying degrees of luck and LitCommerce is by far the best yet.
It took me some time to get my templates in order but once done, the integration between my Shopify and eBay stores is perfect. The price is right and for the couple of times I've had to use their support, they've been extremely helpful and quick to resolve my issues.
I definitely recommend this app to anyone looking to sync listings & inventory across several channels.
Fantastic application! I tried multiple apps to simply sync my Shopify items to Ebay or even better create the listing via Ebay to then transfer to Shopify, saves so much time and faff this way without all the settings required. I researched for hours if not days on end just trying to find a user friendly app, since downloading Litcommerce I haven't looked back since after using for about 15months now. Reasonably price as well :)
Using LitCommerce to integrate Shopify with eBay and Etsy accounts for about a year. Support is always very good and available.
Managing multiple sales channels is working very well. Once I had the templates and initial integration complete it has been very easy to add and manage listings.
We've been demo-ing a lot of these kinds of apps. These guys have "Elite" customer support! Harvey was awesome - stepped me through the entire process of getting our products on a Marketplace. Very intuitive and straight forward. These guys are a keeper. Thanks again Harvey!
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