Lucky Orange Heatmaps & Replay
- Priser
Gratis abonnement tilgængeligt
- Højdepunkter
- Populær blandt virksomheder i USA
- Bedømmelse
- 4,7 (1.293)
- Udvikler
- Lucky Orange LLC
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Få visuel analytik over, hvad kunder køber, hvilke produkter de lægger i kurven, og hvor de forlader købsprocessen
Få flere konverteringer og salg i din butik ved at se, hvad besøgende FAKTISK gør. Med et klik kan du se sessionsoptagelser og live besøgende på dit site for at finde kilder til kurvforladelse og mistede salg. Heatmaps viser dig, hvad kunderne finder mest interessant på dit site. Vores forudbyggede konverteringstragte viser dig, hvor de fleste besøgende falder fra i købsrejsen. Vi tilbyder også en række forudindlæste checkout-begivenheder, der er afgørende for at forstå kundeadfærd.
- Optagelser & Heatmaps - se hvad folk finder mest interessant (og ikke)
- Undersøgelser - hvorfor gætte på, hvad dine kunder ønsker, når du kan spørge dem direkte?
- Konverteringstragte - vi har forudbygget dem for dig, så du hurtigt kan se frafald
- Opdagelse - hjælper dig med at besvare presserende spørgsmål om dine webstedsbesøgende
- Checkout-analytik - Vis begivenheder for, hvad folk gør på din checkout-side
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
- Højdepunkter
- Populær blandt virksomheder i USA
Engelsk, Tysk, Italiensk, Fransk, og Spansk
Denne app er ikke oversat til Dansk
Fungerer sammen med
Betaling, HubSpot, Google Analytics, Zapier, OptimizelyKategorier
Markedsføring og salg
Visualiseringer og rapporter
- 100 sessioner/måned
- 30 dages datalagring
$19 om måneden
eller $182.40 om året, og spar 20 %
- 500 sessioner/måned
- 30 dages datalagring
$39 om måneden
eller $374.40 om året, og spar 20 %
- 5.000 sessioner/måned
- 60 dages datalagring
$79 om måneden
eller $758.40 om året, og spar 20 %
- 15.000 sessioner/måned
- 60 dages datalagring
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Alle gebyrer faktureres i USD. Tilbagevendende og brugsbaserede gebyrer faktureres hver 30. dag. Se alle prismuligheder
Anmeldelser (1.293)
This app is a must-have. It's, probably, one of the top 3 apps a merchant should install. It gives golden information on the customers' journey in, through and out of one's eshop.
Support is, also, excellent. Every time I needed some answers or help, they were there to answer them quickly and to the point.
So, I must say that I cannot recommend this app highly enough !
Wow! These are words we love to hear. There’s nothing quite like the feeling when you see exactly what’s stopping more visitors from turning into customers. Instead of blindly trying to improve your website, you could isolate the issue and fix it. Thank you for your review and recommendation, and you know we're here to help if you need anything. Happy tracking!
Cheers - Emilia from Lucky Orange
I've been using Lucky Orange on and off for a few years now and have not found an app that is as intuitive and easy to use as Lucky Orange to view what my customers are looking at. Having an exceptional website is crucial in this era of marketing as the standards for e-commerce are as high as ever in consumers' eyes.
Lucky Orange allows me to understand the pains and weaknesses in my website.
Its new AI feature is also great! Customer service is super responsive and effective at solving my problems.
Highly recommend, and you should have Lucky Orange forever as long as your e-commerce website is up.
Wow! Thank you for sharing the Lucky Orange love. We've already shared it with the rest of our team. You're right - it's crucial in this era to make your website the best it can but, and you can take out the guessing with visitor behavior. We're thrilled that we're enjoying our new Discovery tool! We love using it too! Thanks again for taking the time to leave us a review, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything.
Cheers - Emilia from Lucky Orange
BEWARE. Don't hit your limit, any data on your account is inaccessible (including history) making the app useless. Reached out to customer service and was ignored. There's a no refund policy, so once the transaction goes through, your money is gone. Since I hit the limit in a day (not realizing anything and everything is counted towards the sessions), I have literally a day each month to see my data and then it's gone. Trapped for a year in this scenario. The bad experience does not incentivize me to upgrade, as I don't want to give them anymore of my money. It's not worth it.
We recognize your frustration. Until this review was posted, we didn’t have any record of any communication from you. However, our team is ready to assist you. Please send an email to so that we can assist you in addressing your concerns and helping you find a plan that best fits your Shopify store's traffic and budget needs. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards - Kelsey from Lucky Orange
Been really impressed with them and it's been a game-changer for our website. I love how I can see exactly how visitors interact with our pages every day and it's helped us spot little issues we never noticed before, and fixing them has boosted our conversions.The customer support team deserves a shout-out too - they're always quick to respond and super helpful. It's been worth every penny for us.
"Game-changer” is a phrase we love to hear from our customers! Seeing what your customers experience in real time can give you the insight you need to address their needs quickly and prevent any barriers to conversion. Also, thanks for the kind shout-out to our support team. We love to support our users and strive to provide superior service. Thank you for your review, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything else. As we always say, we're just an email away!
Cheers - Emilia from Lucky Orange
Always a pleasure to work with these guys!
Prompt replies when I have questions and I really love the tracking and replay Lucky Orange offers. It even can see if somebody added something to they cart.
The pleasure is all ours! We love answering any questions our users may have, and we're always here to support them. It's great to hear that getting the front row seat to watch visitors interact is giving you the insight you need to optimize your store. Thanks for your review, and we're here if you have any questions!
Cheers - Justin from Lucky Orange
Lucky Orange LLC kan besvare dine spørgsmål vedrørende Lucky Orange Heatmaps & Replay.
8. juli 2014