Anmeldelser (1.964)
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Danke für Ihre Rückmeldung
Wir haben uns direkt an Sie gewandt, um Ihre Bedenken zu verstehen und herauszufinden, wie wir Sie unterstützen können.
Thank you for your feedback
We have reached out directly to understand your concerns and how we can support you.
The interface of Codisto is integrated inside Shopify. While this might have advantages we found that it was difficult to work and navigate through the app.
Then, the app modifies the theme when installed. Even after uninstalling it some traces of software remain on the code so make sure to manually remove them.
Thank you for leaving a review. We are sorry you found the app hard to navigate. Generally, merchants are positive about the interface but all feedback helps us to improve. The theme modifications can easily be removed by following the steps in this article It is worth noting that removing the files is generally not required because they have no effect on merchants’ websites in any way. The reason they occur is to allow for eBay template changes to be made using Shopify’s ‘Liquid’ which makes it easy for merchants wanting to customize the look of their eBay listings. This is one of the advanced features of Codisto. Shopify doesn’t provide a way for this to be automatically done on uninstall but we're happy to remove them for you if you notify us prior to uninstalling.