Allows customers to calculate the price of their products by entering measurements respective units
MPC Unit Pricing Calculator App allows customers to conveniently calculate the price of their products by entering measurements in respective units. Sell variable-sized products with the custom price calculator. You can sell wallpapers, tiles, fabric, murals, carpets, boxes, or any other product based on unit length, width, area, or vol. Compatible with All Free and premium themes if you have any compatibility issue support team will fix it for you.
- MPC Functionality will only be reflected on the standard product template
- Sell variable-sized products based on length, weight, area, volume, and even box
- Set unit price & allow customers to calculate product price based on unit price
- Set maximum and minimum limits for each measurement dimension
- App carries the user-provided measurements on the cart and order detail page
- 特色
- 可直接在 Shopify 管理介面使用
$29.99 /月
或每年 $216,可省 40% 的費用
- Calculate product price per unit
- Design a price per unit table for products
- Set custom calculations formulas
- Set maximum & minimum limit
10 天免費試用
Basic Annual
$216 /年
- Calculate product price per unit
- Design a price per unit table for products
- Set custom calculations formulas
- Set maximum & minimum limit
10 天免費試用
所有費用均以 USD 計價。 定期費用和依使用量計費方案,均以 30 天為週期收費。
評論 (51)
Svårt att få svar på formler för egen uträkning. Beta-version.
Först och främst ber jag om ursäkt för besväret. Utvecklaren har svarat på biljettsystemet och väntar på vidare kommunikation.
Som produktägare försäkrar jag dig om prioriterad support. Installera om appen så kommer utvecklaren att göra allt för att uppfylla dina krav. För superprioriterad hjälp, kontakta mig gärna på WhatsApp på +923054285555 eller +923078677415.
Great. Support. Thanks for the fix.
The app is ok! Sometimes it has its errors, however, they help you and fix it when this happens. Very nice!
This app does not support basic measures like square feet. It only supports square meters and other units. WHat happened to your support for America??
I would not recommend this app.
Ben brilliant fixed the work that need doing in very quick time as well and it’s a lot easier to have on the website save a lot of time doing it manually
應用程式支援由 Extendons 提供。