Mixtable Spreadsheet Editor
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Online regneark til bulkredigering af produkter, metafelter, lager, priser, tags, ordrer og mere!
Mixtable er et online regneark, designet fra bunden til at synkronisere data med Shopify. Det ser ud, føles og opfører sig som Excel (inklusive formler), men kører i din browser. Den utrolige fleksibilitet i et regneark giver dig mulighed for at bulkredigere produkter, metafelter, lager, ordrer, priser, internationale priser og så meget, meget mere. Ændringer i din butik synkroniseres automatisk til dit regneark, og du kan synkronisere ændringer tilbage til Shopify med et enkelt klik.
- Regneark bulkredigering for produkter, metafelter, lager, priser, tags osv.
- Butiksændringer synkroniseres automatisk til Mixtable, hvilket holder dine regneark opdaterede
- Bulk find og erstat, bulkprisredigering, bulk tag-skifter og billeduploader
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
- Højdepunkter
- Brug direkte i Shopify-administratoren
Denne app er ikke oversat til Dansk
Basic Shopify
$15 om måneden
- For butikker på Basic Shopify-planen.
- Udviklingsbutikker, prøve- og NPO-butikker er automatisk tilmeldt vores gratisplan
7-dages gratis prøveperiode
$35 om måneden
- For butikker på Shopify-planen.
- Udviklingsbutikker, prøve- og NPO-butikker er automatisk tilmeldt vores gratisplan
7-dages gratis prøveperiode
Advanced Shopify
$35 om måneden
- For butikker på Advanced Shopify-planen.
- Udviklingsbutikker, prøve- og NPO-butikker er automatisk tilmeldt vores gratisplan
7-dages gratis prøveperiode
Shopify Plus
$49 om måneden
- For Shopify Plus-butikker.
- Udviklingsbutikker, prøve- og NPO-butikker er automatisk tilmeldt vores gratisplan
7-dages gratis prøveperiode
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Alle gebyrer faktureres i USD. Tilbagevendende og brugsbaserede gebyrer faktureres hver 30. dag.
Anmeldelser (27)
Excellent app. It makes PDP creation so much more efficient and their support team is extremely responsive. I highly recommend this app for bulk editing. It has been a lifesaver.
We currently pay for the Plus Plan. This app simplifies many things and allows you to update Metafields in bulk, which I'm surprised is not part of Shopify's normal routine. I hope to see a few little things added, such as CTRL & Up/Down arrow working the same as a regular spreadsheet. I have recently had issues with speed. When I reached out, they said they have been a victim of their own success and were in the process of upgrading their servers to support their increased amount of business. I can confirm that speeds are back to how they used to be, which is good. App has a lot of potentials as they grow and tweak things. As an update, more recently, there have been quite a few errors. Now it just simply doesn't add the correct information. It only pushes part of the provided info and the rest doesn't work. This is forcing me to start searching for an alternative solution. (Update - This issue has also been corrected). I would suggest that they should test updates before pushing to a live status in the future.
Hi, i dont wanna do this. But i cant contact you guys, i sent at least 5 message to you, i really like this app, and after my trail finished, i upgraded my plan, but the 'upgrade' warning still keep poping up, and at your admin panel it still showing that i should upgrade, hope you guys solve this bug, it is making some nagative effects to my working progress right now. Thanks. Sorry, i didnt see you email, it was accidently moved into spam. But still hope you can solve the problem soon, thank you.
Hi there. We replied to your email twice about eight hours ago. Could you please check your spam? Our support system indicates that they have been read.
This app is awesome for providing my customers with data they need to make informed decisions. The ease with which I can manage and update my metafields is unrivaled to date.
We had a very specific need for this app regarding a barcode field needing fulfilling in a product catalogue of 13,000 skus (and growing every month). This seemed to be the only app that could bulk edit items in our Shopify product catalogue to such a specific degree. When we had concerns of how the app was functioning, Daniel from Mixtable support was so helpful and even had a zoom call so that I could better explain our issues. If you can figure out how to make this app work for you and your store, it can really fill the gap that Shopify leaves when managing your products.
Appsupport leveres af Mixtable.
16. december 2020
Denne app skal have adgang til følgende data for at kunne fungere i din butik. Se hvorfor i udviklerens politik om beskyttelse af persondata .
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Kunder, butiksejer, indholdsudbydere
Navn, mailadresse, telefonnummer, fysisk adresse, geolocation, IP-adresse, browser og operativsystem
Navn, mailadresse, telefonnummer, fysisk adresse
Mailadresse, IP-adresse, browser og operativsystem
Se og rediger butiksdata:
Kunder, produkter, ordrer, Shopify Payments, Webshop, Shopify-administrator
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Lager, produkter, udgivelse af produkter på salgskanaler, or kollektioner
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Shopify Payments-konti or Shopify Payments-udbetalinger
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Sider i webshop, sider i din webshop, definitioner af metaobjekter, or metaobjekter
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