MultiVariants ‑ Bulk Order
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- Populær blandt virksomheder i USA
- Brug direkte i Shopify-administratoren
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- 5,0 (320)
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Boost salget med brugerdefinerede bundter i et brugervenligt layout for nem mix-and-match variantbestilling
Nem mix and match bundt bestillingsformular med bulk tilføj til kurv. Lad kunderne bygge en kasse med variantbundter (fx Red-S[12], Red-L[24]), bygge et bundt, og strømline bulkbestilling med lagerstyring for at øge salget. Variant tabel layout B2C/B2B/engros bundt bestillingsproces er simpel for flere variantprodukter. Minimum/maksimum ordremængdegrænse pr. variant eller kombination af varianter. Begræns min/max antal varianter pr. produkt. Support B2B katalog prisliste, multi valuta
- Vis variantbundt i en liste/gitter/tabel/matrix layout for nem bestilling
- Begræns minimum/maksimum antal varianter købt for at lave en kasse med blandet smag
- Mængderegler inklusive stigninger og bundtmængde vælgere (Drop-down)
- Minimum mængdebegrænsninger pr. variantmulighed (Fx: Min 12 pr. farve)
- B2B Min Max mængde pr. variant gitter eller mix & match af de samlede varianter
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
- Højdepunkter
- Populær blandt virksomheder i USA
- Brug direkte i Shopify-administratoren
- Fungerer sammen med de nyeste temaer
Engelsk, Tysk, og Italiensk
Denne app er ikke oversat til Dansk
Fungerer sammen med
Seal Subscriptions, Deposits split payments, BEST Currency Converter, Pagefly Page Builder, Bundle builder, Appstle SubscriptionsKategorier
Priser, du kan angive
Begræns regler
Indstillinger for notifikationer
- Variantliste med mængdeboks
- Lagerkontrol
- Udsolgt mærke
- Prisvisning i enhed/total
- B2B katalogpris
- Skjul udsolgte varianter
$9.99 om måneden
eller $95.90 om året, og spar 20 %
- Alle starter funktioner
- Anvend til et specifikt/ gruppe af produkter
- Varianter gitter/matrix display
- Vis totalpris
- Kurv restriktion (Min $100 ordre)
5-dages gratis prøveperiode
$19.99 om måneden
eller $191.90 om året, og spar 20 %
- Alle standard funktioner
- Min/Max mængde af variant/total
- Minimum mængde pr. mulighed
- Begræns antal varianter
- Stigning/Bundt mængde(drop-down)
5-dages gratis prøveperiode
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Alle gebyrer faktureres i USD. Tilbagevendende og brugsbaserede gebyrer faktureres hver 30. dag. Se alle prismuligheder
Anmeldelser (320)
Had a quick error fixed, the out of stock badge was showing up when my products weren't out of stock. The support team was very quick to answer and very helpful!
App works great and there is nothing like it. Very smooth and no disruption in my store. Work as describred. Unfortunately, you cannot add more variants with this app, it only works with the existing variants in your store which shopify already limits. It would be nice to add more variant options as a note to the order at least, and have any upcharges for these variants, and possibly some type of picture upload tool due to the nature of this being for people buying in bulk having one app that could function for all our needs will keep a long lasting customer. All the other apps that have the option to add more variants and upload pictures are not for BULK, so I am stuck in rock and hard place.
I tried at least a dozen other apps before finding this one. It is the ONLY app that could do what we needed it to do, which was to allow a mix and match of variants while also requiring a minimum purchase. We sell dog boots in packs of 4, but people often need different sizes for front and rear paws. This now allows them to select different colors and sizes while requiring they purchase a 4-pack. For me, setting up the app was not intuitive, however the customer service is insanely good. On a Saturday afternoon, I was able to get immediate support. And instead of making me watch videos and read tutorials to learn how to do it, he just did it for me and explained. Absolutely amazing! This problem was such a headache and I am so grateful to have it solved. Thank you!
This App works great if you set it up properly - we didn't, but the people at MultiVariants are great at solving problems without delay.
We did use a different app at first, but it slowed our site significantly; we're very happy that we could replace it with the Multi Variants—Bulk Order App.
Thank you for sharing your experience! We're glad to hear that MultiVariants is working great for your shop and that our team was able to resolve any setup issues you encountered quickly. It's fantastic to know that you could replace your previous app with MultiVariants – Bulk Order, and that it improved your site's performance.
If you ever need more assistance or have further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help. Thank you for choosing MultiVariants!
MultiVariants was a game changer for our website. It's the ONLY app out there that will let your customers build a FULL CASE of products using numerous different colors or variants. Other apps may allow various colors/variants, but if you need to sell in FULL CASES ONLY, that needs to be a requirement at checkout so your customers don't buy in odd quantities. MultiVariant was there to save the day and we're so greatful.
Very easy to use and the support is great too. Thanks!
Thank you for sharing your experience with the MultiVariants - Bulk Order app! We're thrilled to hear that it has been a game changer for your website.
It's fantastic to know that our app is the only one that allows your customers to build a full case of products using various colors or variants, ensuring that they purchase in full cases only. We're delighted that MultiVariants was able to meet this specific requirement for you.
We're also pleased to hear that you find the app easy to use and that our support team has been great. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help!
Thank you for choosing MultiVariants - Bulk Order app, and we're grateful for your positive feedback!
EFOLI, LLC kan besvare dine spørgsmål vedrørende MultiVariants ‑ Bulk Order.
17. september 2020