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Spar værdifuld kundeservicetid med automatiseret ordresporing.
Order Lookup hjælper med at reducere supportanmodninger ved at give kunderne realtids ordresporingsinformation Order Lookup tilføjer en nem at bruge kundefront til din Shopify-butik. Dette giver kunderne mulighed for at indtaste deres e-mailadresse og ordrenummer, hvilket giver dem mulighed for at få adgang til deres ordreinformation i realtid. Desuden inkluderer det eventuelle noter eller sporing information du, butiksejeren, måske har tilføjet.
- Ordresøgning for kunder
- Ordresporing på tværs af over 100 fragtfirmaer
- Tilpasningsvenlig ordresøgningsside
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
- Højdepunkter
- Brug direkte i Shopify-administratoren
Denne app er ikke oversat til Dansk
Fungerer sammen med
OrderlyEmails, China EMS, China Post, ePacket, +400 more carriersKategorier
$10 om måneden
100 opslag inkluderet i månedlig gebyr. 0,05 kr. pr. ekstra opslag
7-dages gratis prøveperiode
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Alle gebyrer faktureres i USD. Tilbagevendende og brugsbaserede gebyrer faktureres hver 30. dag. Se alle prismuligheder
Anmeldelser (138)
Great App - Provides excellent shipping feedback to our customers
Absolutely essential. Customers need/want to know where there order is, and now they can. This is such a simple tool to make your store feel like the big time. 100% worth the money to not have to manually track orders for our customers. We are so happy to finally have this capability on our site. Thanks!
great platform that will give customers peace of mind!! :)
We've only been using this app for 1 month and we can already tell it's a win-win. About 35% of our customers are using it, and I expect that number will increase now that we've added a hyperlink to "Check Order Status" in our Order Confirmation Emails. We had a very minor css display issue a couple of buttons that Josh took care of right away and at no cost. Love the fact that our customers can keep tabs on their orders, on their own time, and without sending in a support ticket. With customers in different time zones this app allows us to provide a much higher level of customer support without having to lift a finger. Thanks for the great app!
Had this for a few months 3000+ people have tried it out. Seems to be working as I haven't heard any complaints. The best kind of app one I forgot I even had because it just works haha.
venntov kan besvare dine spørgsmål vedrørende Order Lookup | venntov.
11. oktober 2012