Order Printer Pro: Invoice App

Order Printer Pro: Invoice App

Avis (1 626)

Note globale
Nombre d’avis par note
  • 96 % des avis sont des avis à 5 étoiles
  • 2 % des avis sont des avis à 4 étoiles
  • 0 % des avis sont des avis à 3 étoiles
  • 0 % des avis sont des avis à 2 étoiles
  • 1 % des avis sont des avis à 1 étoiles
9 janvier 2023

Unübersichtlich, Rechnungen werden teils gar nicht erstellt. Für 3 Bestellungen im Monat OK....Alles andere Schmutz!

Plus d'un an d’utilisation de l’application
Subscription Plus a répondu 9 janvier 2023

Guten Morgen,

I'm sorry to see you didn't have a good experience with our app. I checked our support tools and it looks like you haven't contact support before, so we'd love to hear from you so we can help with any issues you are having.

Our support team is available 24/7 using the in-app contact widget, or on hello@orderprinterpro.com

Kind regards,
Bjorn Forsberg
Founder - Order Printer Pro by FORSBERG+two

In German:

Es tut mir leid zu sehen, dass Sie keine guten Erfahrungen mit unserer App gemacht haben. Ich habe unsere Support-Tools überprüft und es sieht so aus, als hätten Sie den Support noch nie kontaktiert. Wir würden uns also freuen, von Ihnen zu hören, damit wir Ihnen bei allen Problemen helfen können.

Unser Support-Team ist rund um die Uhr über das In-App-Kontakt-Widget oder unter hello@orderprinterpro.com erreichbar

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Björn Forsberg
Gründer - Order Printer Pro von FORSBERG+two

19 juillet 2020

Takes Too much to Load the orders., If we select 50 order in orders dashboard it takes more than 30 minutes to print.

Itsy Bitsy
12 mois d’utilisation de l’application
5 août 2020

Das Bestellformular ging bei mir nicht. Der Support hat es in 1,5 Wochen auch nicht hinbekommen. Ich habe es gelöscht.

10 mois d’utilisation de l’application
Subscription Plus a répondu 6 août 2020

Thanks for the review, and sorry for the frustration. We have been emailing with you multiple times over the past week, trying to help you with the issue and providing multiple solutions. I see that you did not try the solution we sent over in our last mail, we'd love to help further if you would like to.

Ps. You are posting the review on the wrong app, you were using our OrderlyEmails app ;)

Kind regards,
Bjorn Forsberg
Founder - FORSBERG+two

22 juin 2021

It advertises that theres a free plan available. After downloading the app, it forces you to pay $10 a month

Street Aero
7 mois d’utilisation de l’application
Subscription Plus a répondu 23 juin 2021

Thank you for your review. However, I think there is some confusion or misunderstanding here.

Based on the number of orders your store had in the past month (don't want to post the actual number publicly here), the app is correct in asking you to subscribe to the paid plan. You are a long way over the free plan limit of 50 orders a month.

You are correct that the app has a free plan, for stores with less than 50 orders a month. For stores with more than 50 orders a month, the app costs $10/month for unlimited orders. The app will not charge you anything if you have less than 50 orders a month.

Again, you can see the full details of our pricing plans in the "Pricing" section of our Shopify App Store listing.

Hope that makes sense. Please let us know if any questions come up, and have a great day!

Bjorn Forsberg
Founder - Order Printer Pro by FORSBERG+two

26 mai 2020

customer service just ignores... no reply for days... app is not bad, but not
worth the money in my opinion.

njom FOODS
7 mois d’utilisation de l’application
Subscription Plus a répondu 27 mai 2020

Sorry to hear you didn't receive the reply we sent to you. The support team did reply the same day with the information requested. See screenshot: https://www.evernote.com/l/AO_sHE1ngjxD27kO5Znyt0zyersYgq8W_H0B/image.png

Our team has forwarded that to you again now, in case it got lost somehow :)

Many thanks,
Bjorn Forsberg
Founder - Order Printer Pro by FORSBERG+two

31 août 2020

They'll charge you even if you try the 'free' version.

Cure Collection
Environ 2 mois d’utilisation de l’application
Subscription Plus a répondu 2 septembre 2020

Sorry to hear you were surprised by the pricing of the app. I've double checked your account, and the app did correctly add the charge only after you crossed the 50 order limit for the month. This is of course after your 14 day free trial had expired, which is not counted.

As stated above in the Shopify App Store (under Pricing) the app is free for any store with less than 50 orders per month. For stores with more than 50 orders per month, the app costs $10 for that month.

You cannot use the "free version" if your account has more than 50 orders in a month, as mentioned in the pricing.

Of course we don't want anyone to be disappointed after using our apps, so we're issuing a full refund to your account :)

Please do let us know if you need anything else.

Kind regards,
Bjorn Forsberg
Founder - Order Printer Pro by FORSBERG+two

20 mai 2020

Cannot find the pause or delete app button. Very cheeky! Not sure why someone would pay $10 for what Shopify already provides for free?

Red Bay Coffee
Environ 2 mois d’utilisation de l’application
Subscription Plus a répondu 21 mai 2020

Thanks for the feedback, and sorry for the frustration. Our support team has reached out to you with instructions on how you can uninstall/cancel any Shopify app you have installed, which is the same for Order Printer Pro:

1- In your Shopify admin
2- Go to the "Apps" page
3- Click the "Delete" button next to Order Printer Pro

This both removes the app from your admin, and also cancels any subscription or trial on your account.

Stay safe and best of luck with your store.

Bjorn Forsberg
Founder - Order Printer Pro by FORSBERG+two

Modifié le 18 juillet 2018

I tried to upload the code they sent through, and it doesn't work. I emailed them twice and still had no reply. I am disappointed with their total lack of communication.

Rosanna Lonsdale
22 jours d’utilisation de l’application
29 juin 2021

Complicated to use if you don't know code, I reached out for help and was a waste of my time. All he did was send me links to pages I had already read and that took over 30 mins to send me 4 links.

Nue Modern
8 jours d’utilisation de l’application
Subscription Plus a répondu 30 juin 2021

Sorry for the frustrations, and that you didn't get the help you wanted.

Our support replied to you 4 times over a half hour period with in-depth answers to your questions (130+ word answers), which did include links to more resources if needed. They also replied to you and offered to help make the custom code changes for you, also when you contacted them about the same thing last week.

Fair enough if the answers were not what you wanted to hear, but saying support is a waste of time is not fair. They help thousands of people, offered to help you, and our other reviews are a good indicator.

I usually don't post replies like this, but I think it's important to show both sides, and stick up for our support team when they get unfair feedback.

Kind regards,
Founder - Order Printer Pro by FORSBERG+two

21 février 2023

It says you can easily create and modify template but you need to be able to code to do this. It takes more time and work than it should.

Wonder if all the 4/5 star reviews are accurate.

13 minutes d’utilisation de l’application
Subscription Plus a répondu 22 février 2023

Hey there,

Thanks for the feedback, and sorry to hear you found the customization process difficult. The templates only require changes to code if you want to change the overall layout of the documents. Our support team is always happy to help with anything you have trouble with customizing in the code yourself :)

Do feel free to get in contact if you would like any help with it.

Ps. Our great review ratings are from lots of hard work to create useful apps and providing great customer service, helping thousands of stores using the app :)

Kind regards,
Bjorn Forsberg
Founder - Order Printer Pro by FORSBERG+two