PS: Terms and Conditions Box

PS: Terms and Conditions Box

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Improve customer trust and stay legally compliant with a customizable terms and conditions checkbox.

Add a checkbox that allows you to require a refund policy, shipping policy, and consent for the general conditions of sale. Add checkbox with one click. The checkbox can be used for checkout rules, terms of use, shipping policy, I agree terms (agree box), RGPD/GDPR cookies, cart checkbox consent terms, payment terms, I agree to policies, refund policy, terms of service, special Valentine's Day/St. Patrick's Day/Easter sale terms and more.

Add a checkbox that allows you to require a refund policy, shipping policy, and consent for the general conditions of sale. Add checkbox with one click. The checkbox can be used for checkout rules, terms of use, shipping policy, I agree terms (agree box), RGPD/GDPR cookies, cart checkbox consent terms, payment terms, I agree to policies, refund policy, terms of service, special Valentine's Day/St. Patrick's Day/Easter sale terms and more. mehr
  • Add a required checkbox with single click
  • I agree to terms check box & require AGB, GDPR, EULA, RGPD & LGPD consent
  • Agree terms checkbox, cart checkbox, cart page consent checkbox, GDPR, RGPD
  • Return policy checkbox, AGB, EULA customer privacy text box, textbox +18+

Enthält unübersetzten Text

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Anzahl pro Bewertungsstufe
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 5 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 4 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 3 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 2 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 1 Sterne
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App-Support von Panikka PTE. LTD.


Dieser Entwickler bietet keinen direkten Support auf Deutsch an.


Panikka PTE. LTD.

68 Circular Road #02-01, Singapore, 049422, SG


24. Februar 2025


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