รีวิว (12,052)
Amazing App and Amazing customer support, Highly recommended
Thank you so much for your generous review. It was very nice of you. Rest assured that we will keep on improving our services for valued PageFly users like you.
Once again, Thank you for the loving words you've shared, and thank you for being the best part of PageFly.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to drop us a message in the Live Chat window. We are always ready to help you!
Have a wonderful day, and take care!
Ayla - PageFly Team
La miglior app per ciò che riguarda i page builder. Una nota di merito va al membro dell'assistenza Syed che ci sta aiutando con diverse modifiche in codice alla realizzazione di ogni sezione del nostro sito!
Grazie per aver condiviso la tua recensione con noi e questo ha reso la nostra giornata!
Grazie mille per aver trovato il tempo di lasciarci questa fantastica recensione. Siamo così grati per le tue gentili parole.
Siate certi che continueremo a migliorare i nostri servizi per stimati utenti di PageFly come voi.
Trascorrete una splendida giornata e abbiate cura di voi!
Very good support. Thank you PageFly
Thank you so much for your kind words, it’s a great motivation for us to improve ourselves!
I’m so glad that our support team is able to make you satisfied to the fullest. It’s all our pleasure to assist you throughout your journey with PageFly.
Rest assured that we will try our best to be a better assistant to you every day!
Have a nice day!
Ethan - PageFly Team
Support is very responsive and accurate
Pagefly's customer service has been a lifesaver. They are always prompt, friendly and professional in helping resolve issues that I have encountered, especially when developers aren't immediately available.
Thank you so much for your generous review. It was very nice of you. Rest assured that we will keep on improving our services for valued PageFly users like you.
Once again, Thank you for the loving words you've shared, and thank you for being the best part of PageFly.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to drop us a message in the Live Chat window. We are always ready to help you!
Have a wonderful day, and take care!
Usman - PageFly Team
Pagefly's customer services is the best Shopify app customer service there is! You cannot tell me any different. They are always on hand and very technical. They usually solve EVERY problem. THE BEST! Period.
Thank you for the perfect rating! We're excited to continue exceeding your expectations in the future.
Please don't hesitate to drop us a message anytime if you need anymore help.
Paula - PageFly Team
great product and the support staff are an 11/10
Hi There
Thank you so much for your generous review. It was very nice of you. Rest assured that we will keep on improving our services for valued PageFly users like you.
Once again, Thank you for the loving words you've shared, and thank you for being the best part of PageFly.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to drop us a message in the Live Chat window. We are always ready to help you!
Have a wonderful day, and take care!
Best regards.
Brock - PageFly Team
This was my first time using this software and found it quite difficult to use, but the help I got was amazing and resulted in me finishing my project. Thank you.
We're truly grateful for your detailed review highlighting both our app's functionality and support team's assistance. Feedback like yours helps us ensure we're delivering the best possible experience on all fronts. Thank you for your trust and for taking the time to share your experience!
Cookie - PageFly Team
Super fast, super available and super helpful. Really good experience!
Thanks for sharing your review with us and this made our day!
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us this amazing review.
Rest assured that we will keep on improving our services for valued PageFly users like you.
Have a wonderful day, and take care!
Aldwin - PageFly Team
Muy buena experiencia con el soporte de la APP solucionaron todos los inconvenientes que presento la landing page, incrustamos un Form de Google, no se veia responsive, tenia doble scrollbar y estaba mal la url de destino. Tambien ocultamos algunos pop ups molestos, no solo en la landing sino en el resto del Shop. Muchas Gracias!!!
Muchas gracias por tus amables palabras, ¡son una gran motivación para que mejoremos!
Me alegra mucho que nuestro equipo de soporte pueda satisfacerte al máximo. Es un placer para nosotros ayudarte en tu recorrido con PageFly.
¡Ten la seguridad de que haremos todo lo posible para ser un mejor asistente para ti todos los días!
¡Que tengas un buen día!
Spite - Equipo de PageFly