Pics to Description Pics to Description

Från  $9.90/månad. Gratis testversion tillgänglig.
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5,0 (1)

A game-changing AI app for generating product descriptions using AI Vision.

A game-changing AI app for generating product descriptions. It uses AI Vision technology to analyze images and create accurate, context-aware descriptions. Say goodbye to hallucinated content — this app ensures that every description not only looks great but is genuinely useful for your business. Customize the output to align with your specific needs. With the ability to process thousands of products at once, this app is great for boosting both SEO and conversion rates on a large scale.

A game-changing AI app for generating product descriptions. It uses AI Vision technology to analyze images and create accurate, context-aware descriptions. Say goodbye to hallucinated content — this app ensures that every description not only looks great but is genuinely useful for your business. Customize the output to align with your specific needs. With the ability to process thousands of products at once, this app is great for boosting both SEO and conversion rates on a large scale. mer
  • Generate new product descriptions using images or improve existing.
  • Extract texts from images
  • Tailor content to match your specific needs
  • Powerful SEO Optimised content
  • Bulk generation

Innehåller oöversatt text

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engelska, finska, polska, tyska, och svenska

Fungerar med

openai, chatgpt, vision, geloai



Skapande av innehåll

AI-generering, Instruktionsmallar, Ton och stil, Översättning, Massredigering


Automatisk optimering

Redigerbara resurser

Produkter, Beskrivningar


SEO-uppdateringar, AI-assistans, Massredigerare



$9.90 /månad

100 images included in the montly charge, additional images $0.18 per image

  • Pricing is based on images, each plan has a number of free images and additional charge for extra images.
  • Free trial includes 100 images.

Prova gratis i 14 dagar


$29.90 /månad

1000 images included in the montly charge, additional images $0.10 per image

  • Bulk processing support: select multiple products and process them in one go.


$99 /månad

5000 images included in the montly charge, additional images $0.08 per image

  • Automatic processing of products. You can e.g. import products and have them automatically processed. Contact support for details.

Innehåller oöversatt text

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Alla avgifter debiteras i USD. Återkommande och användningsbaserade avgifter faktureras var 30:e dag.

Recensioner (1)

Antal per omdömesnivå
  • 100 % av omdömena har 5 stjärnor
  • 0 % av omdömena har 4 stjärnor
  • 0 % av omdömena har 3 stjärnor
  • 0 % av omdömena har 2 stjärnor
  • 0 % av omdömena har 1 stjärnor
5 augusti 2024

Amazing app! We used it for around 5000 different products and will continue to update new ones in bulk.

The app does a really decent job as long as you set up and test some short and clear instructions for different product types before letting it do bulk generation.

The team is super responsive, replies fast and clear. They even made some suggested adjustments in the app and we believe they will only improve it in the future.

Keep up the good work!

Ungefär en månad användning av appen


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Hallituskatu 19 A, Tampere, 33200, FI


Den här utvecklaren erbjuder inte direkt support på Svenska.


8 januari 2024

Fler appar som den här

Gratisplan tillgänglig
Skapande och optimering av produktinnehåll i bulk.
4,2 av 5 stjärnor 58 recensioner totalt Gratisplan tillgänglig
Redigera produkt- och variantdetaljer i bulk
Förlora inte försäljning med ofullständiga produkter

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