評論 (5,954)
I'm new to Pinterest however I look forward to using this help me grow my online store, I've heard nothing but great things. Thank you for the opportunity.
User friendly and very helpful! Setting up was very easy and fast and love being able to find everything I was looking for!
It was so easy to set up Pinterest for my business! Very easy! I do recommend this app to everyone!!
Really amazing app! Thanks Pinterest for you your inspiration. My business had grown very well I started using it and received many positive feedbacks from my customers.
love it but it wasnt working for me when using safari. i believe connecting shopify and pintrest is the number one thing you need to do
Excelente! Realmente muito fácil e rápido, gostei! Sou fã do Pinterest já ha algum tempo e mesmo antes de me tornar criador de conteúdo e usar a plataforma para vendas eu sempre achei incrível e inspiradora. agora experiementando Ads para conta business tenho gostado da facilidade em obter recursos que me ajudam de forma clara e rápida a chegar a soluções que tenho buscado. Aprovo e recomendo!
I came from using Square (Weebly) and it was a nightmare trying to get Pinterest to connect. This was so simple. Just a few clicks and I was connected and ready to go!
I really enjoy and appreciate how specific my ads can be set up and how they can be customized to be exactly how i imagine them to be.
It was so easy to set up for my online store! I would highly recommend using Pinterest for all of your business promotions!
A fos o experienta frumoasa folosirea acestei aplicatii, o sa o mai folosesc daca o sa mearga cu adevarat asa cum vreau.