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Ofrece envíos neutros en carbono en todos los pedidos y conecta con más compradores.
Shopify Planet permite elegir envíos neutros en carbono y usar emblemas personalizables para mostrar tu compromiso con el cambio climático. Según un estudio de Shopify, el 40% de los compradores está dispuesto a pagar más por productos respetuosos con el clima y el 43% es más propenso a comprar marcas con opciones sostenibles como el envío neutro en carbono. Tanto si tú pagas el envío neutro en carbono como si tus compradores participan, Planet conecta tu marca con compradores modernos.
- Envío simple neutro en carbono: no se requieren medidas tras la instalación.
- Paga el envío neutro en carbono o dale la opción a los compradores en el pago.
- Apoya proyectos ideados para asegurar el futuro del planeta.
- Características
- Populares entre los negocios de Estados Unidos
- Se usa directamente en el panel de control de Shopify
- Funciona con los temas más recientes
Inglés, Danés, Alemán, Español, Francés, Italiano, Japonés, Holandés, Portugués (Brasil), Checo, Finés, Coreano, Noruego (Bokmål), Polaco, Portugués (Portugal), Sueco, Tailandés, Turco, Vietnamita, Chino (simplificado), y Chino (tradicional)
Funciona con
Etiquetas y embalaje
Gestión de envíos
Tipo de organización benéfica
Instalación gratuita
Planet cuesta de media entre 0,035 y 0,15 $ por pedido. Cancela o cambia de plan cuando quieras.
Todos los cargos se facturan en USD.
Reseñas (72)
Making unapproved charges. We are paying as much as $82 per order which is insane. The monthly spending limit doesn't help much because they will withhold and charge the remaining to next month.
We're sorry you didn't have a good experience with Planet! Planet does not make any charges that aren't approved, so there is some sort of misunderstanding.
Looking at your store, I see some of the items are extremely heavy, e.g., a grill that weighs more than 70 pounds. Because carbon emissions are based in part of the weight of a package, then a 70-pound shipment will simply generate more emissions and therefore carry a larger price tag to offset.
You can always use the "billing cap" to ensure that you're never billed more than you expect.
Please reach out to planet at shopify dot com if you have questions or would like further details. Again, apologies that you did not have a good experience with Planet.
Always room for improvement.
We agree! Thanks so much for the review. We genuinely appreciate the feedback. When it comes to specific things to improve, feel free to reach out to planet at shopify dot com. We love hearing from users and take suggestions seriously. Thanks again!
There was no charge with your permission and the charge was not authorized by you.
Thanks for the note. Planet users are never charged without permission. Planet users can also customize their "billing cap," which guarantees there will be no Planet charges above that customized threshold. Finally, Planet users can choose to enable customers to pay (instead of paying themselves). We'd be happy to unpack these options – reach out to planet at shopify dot com if you'd like to learn more.
1. It charges you for every order--even POS orders which don't require shipping. 58% of my sales are in-store. Insanely unethical to automatically charge *shipping* offsets for *non-shipping* sales.
2. It seriously inflates your numbers. I made 640 sales in the last 30 days, and was charged for 907 orders. (again, about 370 of these orders didn't require shipping).
3. The history graph shows I had nearly 200 sales *in one day* a few weeks ago. I actually had 29...and only 6 of those required shipping...and only 5 of those had shipped at this point. So I paid nearly $0.15*200=$30 in carbon offsets for 5 shipments for that one day.
4. The app ambiguates "orders" and "deliveries". Per my Shopify reports, I only had 288 "deliveries" in the time it claimed I had 907.
Shopify, these infractions erode what little trust people have in environmental practices. I am happy to remove this review if you refund my inflated fees...including Planet fees for all POS orders.
My company has been carbon neutral for years, and will continue to be so for sometime thanks to the overages I've paid using Planet.
Thanks for reaching out. You definitely shouldn't be getting billed on POS orders and we will gladly refund you all of those charges. Our team has already reached out and we will get your bill and refund sorted asap.
It could be great to have different choices of badges.
Like a mini one (as you can see on this website for exemple )
Thank you.
Thank you for your reply, but i don't see any planet on shopify dot com...
and how to reach you ???
Let me know.
Thanks for the feedback! Good news – you can publish a Planet badge that looks virtually identical to the one on this page! Please reach out to planet at shopify dot com and we would be thrilled to get you set up. Thanks again!!
Soporte técnico
Soporte de la aplicación proporcionado por Shopify.
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Este desarrollador no ofrece soporte técnico directo en Español.
151 O’Connor St, Ottawa, ON, ON, CA
Fecha de lanzamiento
2 de junio de 2022
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