
使用 Podbase,您可以轻松定制您的按需印刷产品,并无缝开始代发货。上传设计,创建定制产品目录,并将您的细分市场货币化。只需几次点击即可发布产品列表。专注于创意和营销,而我们负责生产、仓储和履行订单。我们专注于定制手机壳、AirPods 和 MacBook 保护壳,确保您的产品高效送达美国和欧洲的客户。
- 构建产品目录,只需几次点击即可发布。
- 使用实时客户支持聊天解决任何问题。
- 导出所有订单并完全自动化生产和履行。
- 通过无缝的流程自动化快速扩大销售。
- 使用我们的报告仪表板创建定价策略并跟踪利润率。
评论 (112)
Works as expected with good quality and always improving. Best print on demand for tech accessories out there.
Amazing quality, helps elevating my business significantly
I've tried plenty of print on demand providers and honestly was not expecting much from Podbase, but wanted to try something new, something local and with a big desire to grow - together with their users. Podbase was a huge surprise - starting from easy integrations, ending with superb quality control (I had an item that had to pass quality control several times and they reprinted it several times - without me even noticing. I've noticed that only after the order has already been fulfilled/shipped and dealt with). Their support is wonderful and always willing to help. All in all, I'm glad I've tried Podbase, love using it to this day :)
The app is easy to use, fast and friendly support and the product quality is good.
I've discovered Podbase a long while ago before they were getting popular. At first, I didn't take them serious as there was not as much functionality as the competitors had. After a year or so I was looking for a new print on demand provider and rediscovered them, I tried them out and wished that I had tried them out sooner. Their product quality is very good, and the print quality is superb!
The customer support is helpful most of the time, they are easy to reach and most importantly they do a very throughout quality control process during which each case is actually checked for defects before sending them out! Also, the customer service does quite a good job at explaining and answering questions. So far Saulius, the CEO has helped out and answered the most questions he seems like a very nice guy who cares about the company, everyone at Podbase should learn effective problem solving from him!
Thank you!
Podbase does provide nice packaging, they have fast shipping and overall are a promising trustworthy company! Hope they stay this way once they expand.
(Recommendations: minor bug fixes, some rare loading issues, add coordinates indicating layer object size and x and y coordinates. Not all previews show actual phone model. If interested I can make a descriptive list.)
I definitely recommend using their services!
应用支持由 Podbase 提供。