리뷰 (12,591)
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I haven't been able to even use the app because I can't get past it asking me to enter my email. nothing happens .. I've tried 4 different times now and I'm annoyed and over it. Don't even bother downloading it doesn't work.
Hi, we've sent you an email to learn more about the issue you're experiencing. Please get back to us when possible.
Update April 24: We've reached out to this customer several times, but haven't been able to get a reply. This issue has been fixed!
The coupon code doesn't show up.
Hi there! We apologize for the inconvenience you faced.
We checked the pop-up on your store now, The coupon is showing.
We've reached out to you via email to see if you have any questions regarding this. Best of luck :)
Edit: please note that the coupon code appears once the customer enters their email address and hits subscribe. See screenshot: https://share.zight.com/GGuyjQlL
If you want a popup where the coupon code appears right away, you can always add the coupon code directly into the popup as a text element!
Une semaine après avoir contacté le support pour un popup qui ne s'affiche pas (bug confirmé par l'équipe du module), je n'ai aucun retour, ni aucune correction du problème. Malgré mes nombreuses relances, l'application ne fonctionne pas. Je précise également qu'il semblerait qu'il n'y ait aucun suivi puisqu'à chaque fois que j'ai recontacté le module, le même membre de l'équipe m'a demandé quel était le problème...
Bonjour, Nous vous avons contacté hier et il y a quelques jours pour demander l'accès à votre boutique, mais nous n'avons jamais reçu de réponse. Nous nous excusons pour la gêne occasionnée. Nous travaillons activement sur le correctif.
After a few tests, I saw that this app is not GDPR compliant. It is using Google Fonts and can be loaded before the consent popup. In other words, cannot be blocked and there is a potential risk of leaking of IP addresses using Google fonts.
Update April 6, 2023: We've removed the Google Font dependency and are in-touch with the customer to resolve this!
Hi there, this has been escalated and we're looking into this now. We'll be in touch shortly.
Basta insieria una qualsiasi parola seguita da una @ che lo sconto viene rivelato
Ciao! Ci dispiace che tu abbia riscontrato questo problema. Tieni presente che offriamo più tipi di popup e se utilizzi l'obiettivo Ottieni abbonati puoi inviare un codice sconto univoco via e-mail al cliente utilizzando la nostra automazione Shopify. Maggiori informazioni trovate qui: https://pop-convert.crisp.help/en/article/email-new-subscribers-shopify-automation-1qhltsd/
If you don't want to use the Coupon pop type because it immediately displays the coupon after the visitor enters their email, you can use the Get Subscribers goal and the free Shopify Email automation to send a unique discount code instead! Here's instructions: https://pop-convert.crisp.help/en/article/email-new-subscribers-shopify-automation-1qhltsd/
The only page I needed a popup was on the checkout page but this app doesn't work on that page unless you have Shopify pro.
Hi there! This is a limitation with the Shopify itself and apps don't have a way around it. Please see documentation here, which confirms that only Shopify Plus stores are able to use checkout extensions: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/checkout-settings/checkout-extensibility/checkout-apps#availability