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Create FOMO for sales with low stock alerts, order deadlines, and real-time inventory stats.
POWR Stock Alerts is an easy way to 'nudge' shoppers. It will help trigger a sales action, improve conversion rates, and speed up buying urgency. Use FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) marketing to improve close rates and reduce cart abandonment. The Nudge app uses your real-time inventory counts to move more stock faster. Here are some ideas: Now Popular, Selling Out, Overnight Delivery, Order Within 2 Days. Show how many items are left, sold, and more. Create scarcity for better shopper engagement.
- Create multiple nudges and pre-schedule them to show up in a sequence
- Show real-time stats of how many products have sold or how many are left
- Display more than one nudge at a time on one page or across many pages
- Unlike a popup, a nudge will not disrupt the shopper's experience
- Mobile-friendly and fully-customizable to match your brand
Innehåller oöversatt text
- Höjdpunkter
- Använd direkt i Shopify-admin
- Fungerar med de senaste temana
Denna app finns inte översatt till svenska
Analyser och rapporter
- Real-time stock alerts
- Undo/Redo
- 2,000 views/mo
- 3 app elements
- 10-sec display
- Adjust size, position, transitions
- 24/7 email support
$5.49 /månad
eller $59.28/år och spara 10 %
- All of Free +
- Remove POWR branding
- 4,000 views/mo
- 5 stock alert elements
- Adjust display time
- 24/7 email support
$13.49 /månad
eller $145.68/år och spara 10 %
- All of Starter +
- 12,000 views/mo
- 50 stock alert elements
- Prevent closing
- Custom CSS/JS
- Live chat with POWR team - no AI
$89.99 /månad
eller $971.88/år och spara 10 %
- All of Pro +
- All premium features +
- Unlimited views
- Unlimited access to all 60+ POWR apps, like
- Live chat with POWR team - no AI
Innehåller oöversatt text
Alla avgifter debiteras i USD. Återkommande och användningsbaserade avgifter faktureras var 30:e dag.
Recensioner (2)
- 100 % av omdömena har 5 stjärnor
0 % av omdömena har 4 stjärnor
0 % av omdömena har 3 stjärnor
0 % av omdömena har 2 stjärnor
0 % av omdömena har 1 stjärnor
Five stars for the service
This is such a cool app. Very easy to install and use and helps to put the message out to show the demand. A very effective marketing tool.
Thank you for your feedback, and glad to know you're loving our apps😁️😃️
We really appreciate you being a customer and helping to share the word about us!
Support på appen tillhandahålls av
20 december 2023
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