Anmeldelser (1.513)
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The main issue is that around 10-20% of my pre-orders are not caught by the app. So that means 10-20% of pre-order clients do not know that they are making pre-order. And the worst part is that every morning I need to recheck orders in order to highlight not informed clients and send them information about pre-orders manually. Though, I am risking with bad customer experience because they did not know about it before buying. I contacted support, they tried to fix it, but they failed.
Hello to our friends from WoodWe
Thank you very much for leaving us this feedback. This is Pushpesh, the Customer Success Manager with Pre‑order Now.
We fully understand the frustration you have gone through and can assure you that we will work with you to get it solved at the earliest. We are very sorry for the inconvenience this is causing you. We do our best to increase the service quality of our app and services on a daily basis and look forward to reaching a resolution very soon. Please check your email for updates. We are working hard to get back to you as quickly as possible.
Here to help, and very sorry you experienced this.
Pushpesh & the Pre‑order Now Support Team
I use this app to help with my preorder. It take some getting use to when first using but after becomes simple to use
Hello friends at Notice Collection
We appreciate you leaving this honest review! We know your experience will be great! :-) We wish you and your store great success!
-Melissa & The Pre-order Now Support Team
The app has great functionality and look. However, in our store we had some major issues. on 22 - 01 - 12 this app disabled our "Checkout" button on website and customers were really angry. We had to hire a developer to fix the issue and lost a very significant amount in sales that day. Previous to that, the app would not show the "Pre-order" button to customers even though inventory was at 0 and when customers purchased it the app never sent them pre-order emails or let them know this is a pre-order despite inventory being -1. The developer Team is very responsive, but we are just fed up with these issues.
Hello friends at A7
We appreciate you taking the time out to write this honest and thorough review! :-) We appreciate your support!
-Melissa & The Pre-order Now Support Team
Unfortunately have to downgrade my review. This app is getting very glitchy. Preorders aren't showing up on our site and we keep having to toggle them off and back on to get them working again..
Preorder apps have given me a lot of grief. Anything that lives in the space of the add-to-cart button is going to cause trouble from time to time. This app seems to be the most stable and trouble free. The interface is easy to work with. The tech team is responsive.
Hello to our friends at Rowan
Thanks for sharing your review with us and the community. We're thrilled to learn that you are enjoying Pre_order Now. We can’t thank you enough for taking the time to share your feedback with us and reminding us why we do what we do.
Pushpesh & the Pre‑order Now Support Team
I used this app for more than 4 months and I can tell that it is not enough. It sometimes works and sometimes does not. I lost customers and money because of these times. Whenever an update was made on the side of the Pre-Order App, your all settings will be gone. So one morning you click on your site, and there is no pre-order button.
Great! Great, great, hopefully it works really great!!! So glad that this is an option to help us better manage pre-orders
Hello to our friends at KIDSTRONG
Thanks for sharing your review with us and the community. We're thrilled to learn that you are enjoying Pre-Order now. We can’t thank you enough for taking the time to share your feedback with us and reminding us why we do what we do. We wish you and your store great success!
Tanu & The Pre‑order Now Support Team
So, it basically does what it claims, but its really glitchy, they got a lot of bugs to work out. There are times when it just sits there updating for a really long time. Time is money right, so, it needs to be faster at what it does.
I set the app and added all requested info, I found out the:
There is an EXTRA Button (Out of stock + Buy now)!
I don't find your "Pre order" Botton
Hi there - we checked your store and it appears the pre-order button is appearing on your homepage and product page. Our support team has tried to reach out to you. Please let us know if you still need assistance. Our support team will gladly help :)
Je suis satisfaite du bouton pré-commander. Je suis en revanche déçue de ne pas pouvoir plus personnaliser le mail de confirmation, je le trouve très basique. Le pop up avertissant le client que son panier contient des articles en stock et en pré-commande est très utile, mais malheureusement moche....
Bonjour à nos amis d'Histoire Sauvage
Nastasya, Merci beaucoup de nous avoir laissé ce commentaire. Voici Pushpesh, le Customer Success Manager avec PreOrder Now.
Je suis désolé d'apprendre que le bouton de précommande n'est pas apparu sur votre produit malgré le respect des instructions. Nous travaillons déjà sur le problème et vous tiendrons au courant dès que le problème sera résolu afin que vous puissiez déverrouiller tout le potentiel de l'application pour alimenter votre boutique Shopify.
Nous travaillons SUPER dur pour nous assurer que chaque marchand qui utilise notre application a une expérience A+.
Pushpesh et l'équipe d'assistance Précommandez maintenant
I'm using this app to launch my clothing store. Overall it is very useful. Attempting to get the app to apply the pre-order button is somewhat of a hassle for me, though.
Hello to our friends at Emmanuel House Clothing
Thank you for leaving this feedback! We appreciate you taking the time to share this review with us and the community! We are elated to learn that you find our app useful. We're always looking for ways to improve our service and app features, and your feedback is a valuable part of that process.
We do offer 24-hr live chat support, Monday through Friday. Please reach out to us via the live chat feature in the app and we will reply to you within minutes to resolve any issues you might be facing. We also love to offer complimentary live screen-share calls to all our valued clients where we can help resolve the issues. We work hard to make sure every merchant who uses our app has an A+ experience.
Pushpesh & the Pre‑order Now Support Team