AntiCopy 可帮助您保护网站内容,防止恶意商家复用。它可以让您禁用网页上的右键点击,阻止人们复制内容或下载图片。它还可以让您禁用键盘快捷键,阻止人们选择文本,并阻止某些国家的人访问您的网站。 此外,它还增加了一些扩展功能,如移除 Shopify 徽章和管理员栏,Google reCaptcha 徽章,创建年龄验证弹窗
- 禁用右键点击,键盘快捷键,文本选择,调试器,...
- 防止复制内容,下载图片/视频,某些国家的访客
- 隐藏 Shopify 徽章和 Shopify 管理员栏,Google reCaptcha 徽章
- 创建符合 GDPR 的 Cookie Banner,年龄验证弹窗
- 兼容任何主题,所有浏览器和所有设备
- 亮点
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
- 适用于最新模板
$1 /月
- 禁用右键点击,文本选择
- 国家阻止器
- 创建 GDPR 横幅
- 创建年龄验证弹窗
3 天免费试用
所有费用均以USD结算。 定期费用和基于使用情况的费用每 30 天收取一次。
Amazing App! Lighting fast costumer service, right to the point and courteous! Thank you very much Kiet!
Incomparable value for money! A must have in my opinion!
Perfect App! Super fair priced. Been using it for almost a year now, without any issues. Best of all, it DOES NOT SLOW DOWN your website. Thank you for this great app.
Nice app. Used for almost 1yr. Nice app. Used for almost 1yr. Nice app. Used for almost 1yr. Nice app. Used for almost 1yr.
I had to leave another anti-theft app because they moved from the Shopify App store. It took some time to find another of that quality or better. As you can see I did! AntiCopy is a fantastic app. You should get this one for your store!
I recently found over 100 of my products being sold on another website. The thieves stole images and product titles. As I begin to look for apps to help curb this behavior, I came across this app. Wow, for the price, I think it is a great deterrent. Sure, if a thief is really determined, they will pull out all stops. But I think this awesome app offers many features that will force thieves to work hard to commit their copyright infringements. I have installed it on three of my stores, complete with the in-code script and so far, I'm loving it!
应用支持由 Hura Apps 提供。