# 按需打印贺卡,现在在Shopify上可用。 交叉销售或追加销售个性化贺卡。如果您目前销售礼品——或有兴趣开始销售礼品——没有比这更好的方法来增加利润并让您的客户满意。 # Card Isle如何工作? 1. 将Card Isle应用添加到您的Shopify商店(无需编码!)。 2. 客户选择、个性化并将贺卡添加到他们的订单中。 3. 我们将为您打印并寄送贺卡。 # 功能: * 自定价格:以任何价格销售贺卡。我们推荐$5-$7。 * 自定义集成:Card Isle集成会自动符合您的商店风格。 * 自动打印:我们按需为您打印贺卡。 * Tropi-color打印系统:我们专有的纸张和打印技术确保色彩鲜艳,超出客户的期望。 * 支持独立艺术家:从15,000+本地和独立艺术家的设计中选择,以提供符合您品牌的贺卡体验。 * 自动商品化:我们的内容会自动策划,以保持您的内容新鲜并符合季节。 * 每张卡片背面都有您的品牌:添加您的公司标志以增加品牌曝光率。 * 响应式客户服务:如果您有任何问题,我们的客户成功团队可以通过电话或电子邮件提供帮助。
This app and the staff are great. Very helpful. I have gotten 3 cards from them already and they are beautiful. I grew up during the time of create-a-card machines and it is great to have that chance to do it again and make it personal to give to someone. Also, not only are you providing a great product, but you are also helping the creators who have also put in their hard work and talent in making these cards. This app is worth having, especially as an add on for purchases. They set that all up for you, so you never have to worry about customers missing out on opportunities on purchasing a card. For me, based on location shipping time for these cards are usually 5-7 days. (Yes, I use these cards myself) ...lol. I'm glad to be using this app and will definitely recommend to anyone who is looking to add some greeting cards to their store. Thank you.
I installed this app hoping to sell my cards in my shop. It was more than I needed, so I ended up not using it. However, If you are looking for an easy way to integrate cards, this is AWESOME! The customer service was great!
Card Isle 可以回答您关于 Print‑on‑Demand Greeting Cards 的任何问题。