评论 (1,218)

  • 79% 的评分是 5 星
  • 8% 的评分是 4 星
  • 2% 的评分是 3 星
  • 2% 的评分是 2 星
  • 8% 的评分是 1 星

Remove your code from my theme ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6天 人在使用应用

Customer service is non-existent. Don't install this app unless you're confident that you won't need to use it within the 14 day trial period, and be prepared to have to wait longer than that.

Generate Design
5天 人在使用应用

CAVEAT EMPTOR, support for this app is mediocre, time consuming, and very frustrating, and I'm really just too busy for this crap.

Their communication skills have thus far been very limited, and I don't know if the issue is:

a. there is a communication disconnect and they don't understand what I am asking for (although I'm a pretty lucid and a direct communicator)

b. they are dense

c. they are lazy

d. they really have no idea what it's like to run a small business

Regardless, I'm regretting buying the app and I wish I'd gone with one of the other apps.

Sale Icon and Countdown Timers are not part of the initial app, they have to be added afterward, which might be OK if you are a code-head, but if you're just a regular small business owner you'll have to pay them to install it for you. The price isn't horrible, I was ok with that, except they don't tell your any of this until you've already BOUGHT the app, and then the info is provided in an email. A link is provided in that email to a web page you won't be able to find it any other way, so DO NOT DELETE THAT EMAIL! On the web page it tells you to choose your Sale Icon & Countdown Timer choices, but it doesn't have a button or link illustrating your choices. There is a button at the bottom of the page that says "GET HELP" so I clicked it, thinking it would send me to a reference page, but it just billed me for the service. When the system asked me to Refuse/OK the charge I refused it (as I was nowhere ready to move ahead) and it still registered me for the service.

I then emailed them, explaining that I was charged, was not ready to move forward, and was having a hard time finding my choices. They responded, offering to refund the charge and offer the services for free. Several more emails were exchanged, thanking them for the freebie, but I still needed the webpage that illustrates my choices. They kept sending me emails asking me to give them access to my shopify site, and I kept replying that I needed them to send me to the appropriate page with the options. They didn't get back to me over the weekend, despite the fact that I told them time was of the essence, and all I needed was for them to send me a link to the appropriate web page - not rocket science, and not a lot of work.

Monday morning they replied with a small, difficult to read screenshot of a the appropriate web page, but no link or http address to the page it originated from. Seriously?! I finally excavated the email I referred to above (the one you should not, under any circumstances, misplace), found the link, and it appeared to be the page the screenshot was referring to. THANK GOD! I finally found the options I was looking for, and then found that they don't have any illustrations of what the different option will look like on your web page. Not super helpful if you don't want your online store to look like a MySpace page.

Other Issues:

1. They don't have videos for all of their options. When you click the video button it says they are making one.

2. You can't find answers to all issues on the support page. For example, they don't have any support showing your options for Sale icons or Countdown Timers on the support page.

After I posted this review I received an email from one of the co-owners offering apologies and the following choice bits:

"Everyone at the office read it and it's really made us all depressed."

"...when I saw him (customer rep) read what you wrote that and called him dense his face just sunk, he feels really bad."

"This review has really put everyone in the office into a depressed mood so I wanna do what I can here. It's the meanest review we've ever got, and right before Christmas... :-( "

I'm not sure this company is run by adults, definitely not business people. All I want is software that works quickly and easily so I can get on with the work of my business.

3天 人在使用应用

Somehow it bugged out all the prices in my store. It took my old prices and didn't save the new ones. Please be careful when using this app.

Handy Quirks
3天 人在使用应用
BOLD已回复 2019年12月5日

Hello there! I'm so sorry to hear you ran into a pricing issue on your store - we're not entirely sure what happened, but one of our specialists, Eric, is going to call you shortly to speak with you about this.

If we're unable to reach you, please send us an email with the best time to reach you so we can work with you to get everything resolved!


The biggest mistake of my e-commerce journey: I installed the Product Discounts App by Bold.

I scheduled all my products by collection to be in sale.

Some collections had a 10% and some a 15%.

I tested the night before with one collection and everything worked.

When a price is discounted two things happen: 1. the regular price appears scratched next to the discounted price and 2. a SALE banner appears on the right top corner of the product.

When I woke up at 5 am I checked the store and it was a DISASTER, this is what happened:

- Some products had more than 15% discount (this was impossible, since 15% was the highest discount that I was offering)
- Most products didn’t show the regular price next to the discounted price, only the discounted price
- The SALE banner was missing in a lot of products
- Products that already were discounted and in a collection I didn’t apply a discount were discounted as well…

Bold was manually undoing the job that took me HOURS. Some guy was in my store reverting my work. Someone went into my store, without my permission and started modifying the prices for each product only to show the regular price. Did I ask them to do that? No, I did not! How dare you go into my store and change things around without my consent?

I reached out AGAIN to try to understand what was going on, you Bold's customer service confirmed that someone on their team was manually reverting all my sale prices to my regular prices (again: who authorized that?).

I revoked Bold’s access to my store and contacted them again to see why there were doing something so senseless, negligent and completely disrespectful, super unprofessional… HOW DARE YOU?

Then, I had to go again and start putting half of my store on sale because Bold undid my work without my consent or my permission.

At 2pm my nightmare was over.

Bold had me going crazy from 5am to 2pm, that’s 7 hours of my life wasted because of an app that doesn’t work, customer service that is incapable of doing what is asked of them and senseless and negligent behaviour. I had to postpone my Black Month sale all because of this… all ruined, all my planing and effort just disappeared.


3天 人在使用应用

Slow and horrible customer service. I wasted an hour with Rajni in the live chat and it was like talking to a brick wall, as he kept ignoring the issues I had.

3天 人在使用应用

Once again, Bold let me down. Set this up to launch Black Friday Deals. Went in to change the dates to launch oat Midnight on Thanksgiving and it every time I would set the date, it would change it to the current date. Then when revising one of the dates and times, it went live and took $20 off every item on our site. Since it is so slow to update, Had to unistall the app to stop the bleeding. Many of our products are MAP priced, so this could have been damaging to our account if had gone unnoticed.

2天 人在使用应用

I would need 2 of the BOLD apps to offer a free product with another one or offer one at % cost. I am a small business and its is far too expensive for my small business with about 2 offersevery 3 months

Wear With Cashmere
2天 人在使用应用
BOLD已回复 2022年2月4日

Thank you for your feedback! We certainly take all feedback such as yours into consideration.
While Bold Discounts is simply for straight-forward sales & discounts - you can choose to add another app (Upsell) for the Buy One, Get One deals and more. If you do not want 2 apps, we do have another product called Bold Bundles, which will allow you to use only one app for Buy One Get One deals. I hope this helps!
Thank you again for your candid and thoughtful review!


WHAT A RIP OFF - DONT BOTHER, to clarify in big flashing letters these scam artists want £10 a product to install their sales app on, you literally are giving them money for nothing - ive worked with liquid code before as i designed my own site but theyve intentionally made this so you have to pay someone to install it as everywhere you turn on their help page takes you to a purchase option! livid that ive been scammed by these cranks.

Tino's Boutique
1天 人在使用应用
BOLD已回复 2019年4月16日

Hello there, thank you for your review. I just wanted to reiterate that our Bold Discounts app works right out of the box and does not require any Liquid coding!

That is, unless you wanted to add some additional visual elements using custom CSS, which we can absolutely help with (for free!). Let us know if you'd like us to submit a free request on your behalf and we'd be more than happy to help add some additional visuals to your app.


Can't even use it. I paid $20 just to find out after the first day that my inventory management system would make this app useless for me. I uninstalled it after 2 days, but Bold still got their money. It would be nice if the developer would include some sort of disclaimer stating that the app will stop all of your sales if you use a 3rd party inventory management system.

Eve Home & Garden
1天 人在使用应用
BOLD已回复 2022年8月24日

Thank you for your review. We are sorry to hear Bold Discounts did not work with your third-party inventory app. I can confirm our team has reached out to offer a solution.