按价格、尺寸、颜色、标签、供应商、品牌、系列和元字段等即时过滤产品。易于安装和自定义您的产品过滤器菜单。 具有即时建议和自动更正功能的强大搜索解决方案。 搜索页面上的产品过滤器。 轻松与原始搜索栏、主题过滤器、类别过滤器集成。 您的用户可以通过侧边栏过滤器、过滤器集合更轻松地找到合适的产品。
- 智能过滤器应用程序为不同的集合、类别自定义过滤器树。
- 按标签、销售百分比、评论、元字段、供应商、变体过滤器进行无限过滤...
- 具有即时建议和自动更正功能的强大搜索和发现解决方案。
- 全文搜索、自动建议、搜索重定向、同义词、拼写检查等。
- 智能搜索栏:即时搜索、零字符建议、停用词……
- 亮点
- 深受美国商家喜爱
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
- 适用于最新模板
- Product Review Apps
- Multi-currency converter Apps
- Page Builder Apps
- Quick View Apps
- Langify, Weglot, Transcy
- Globo Product Options
- All Features
- For Affiliate/ Development Stores
- For Stores Under Shopify Free Trial
- For Dormant Stores
- For Partner Test Stores
Plan $19
$19 /月
或 $192/年(可节省 16%)
最多 1000 种产品。 单击下面的“查看所有定价选项”以阅读更多定价选项
- 智能过滤器
- 智能搜索 - 无限查询
- 拼写检查
- 分析
- 实时同步
- 国际定价,多种货币
14 天免费试用
Plan $29
$29 /月
或 $300/年(可节省 14%)
最多 2500 种产品。 单击下面的“查看所有定价选项”以阅读更多定价选项
- 智能过滤器
- 智能搜索 - 无限查询
- 拼写检查
- 分析
- 实时同步
- 国际定价,多种货币
14 天免费试用
Shopify Plus
$69 /月
或 $696/年(可节省 16%)
Shopify Plus 商店最多 1000 种产品。 单击下面的“查看所有定价选项”以阅读更多定价选项
- 智能过滤器
- 智能搜索 - 无限查询
- 拼写检查
- 分析
- 实时同步
- 国际定价,多种货币
14 天免费试用
所有费用均以USD结算。 定期费用和基于使用情况的费用每 30 天收取一次。 查看所有定价选项
评论 (1,934)
I had an issue with the filters not appearing at all when I switched over to a new theme. I sent a request for support and got a reply back from Helen very quickly.
Helen requested access and was swiftly able to fix the issue. All of this on Christmas day! I'm very pleased with Helen's service and support. Big shoutout to Helen!
I have been using this application for several years now and I find it to be extremely helpful for managing products within larger collections. I am frequently testing and playing around with different themes on our store which causes alot of self inflicted problems and their customer support is always extremely quick and helpful at resolving my issues.
Helen was the last person I've worked with and was exceptionally great but I've had a pleasant experience with everyone else I've encountered in the past aswell.
We use this filtering app in our product search on our Shopify store. We have over 2000+ products, 40+ collections and 500+ pages/blogs, so filtering is crucial! The features in the app have been relatively useful.
We recently did run into some default code issues that searched suggestions / actions filter names within collections tab by default. However, Helen helped trouble shoot this with their development team and we had a resolution within 48 hrs. Very helpful, prompt service given that some customers informed us that they didn't buy from us because no items returned for their search criteria.
I reached out because my filter disappeared in my theme. They adequately restored it and everything is working again within a day it was fixed. Thank you so much Helen, David and team! Very happy.
We wanted to get away from a custom product filter and this app came up in our research. It was exactly what we were looking for! We worked with Helen (who was fantastic) to work out all of the minor details to make a clean swap with what we had. 5/5 would highly recommend!
应用支持由 Globo.io 提供。