Application helps clients push multiple orders to the ORIO OMS to Manage Orders.
This is unique to our company as this will help our merchants process orders faster and be able to process more orders especially if they have over 20-30 orders per day. We will help them be more efficient and effective in process orders to the ORIO OMS.
This is unique to our company as this will help our merchants process orders faster and be able to process more orders especially if they have over 20-30 orders per day. We will help them be more efficient and effective in process orders to the ORIO OMS.
- Merchant have to create his/her account via using our app.
- Merchant have to process his/her orders to the ORIO OMS.
- Merchant have to process his/her orders to the ORIO OMS.
应用支持由 ORIO 提供。