評價 (2,982)
Number sales are not real , app takes all sales store and said that it is by push web. I have wasted money for 10 months.
I have had this app for a week or so, it has not performed as it should. Sometimes it pops up and sometimes it doesn't work.
Hi Kandice :)
Thank you for your feedback. We're very sorry to hear about your experience.
The browsers have complete control over the web pushes and the prompts. The opt-in prompt(pop-up) appears only until an action is taken. I.e. if you have already subscribed to notifications from a particular browser, you won't receive the prompt again until you reset the settings or try on a new browser. We would love to connect with your over a call or live chat and help you better with this concern.
We look forward to making your experience better and helping you generate more revenue through notifications.