Hextom: Quick Announcement Bar

Hextom: Quick Announcement Bar

Reseñas (5.890)

Calificación general
Recuentos por nivel de calificación
  • El 91% de las calificaciones son de 5 estrellas
  • El 7% de las calificaciones son de 4 estrellas
  • El 1% de las calificaciones son de 3 estrellas
  • El 0% de las calificaciones son de 2 estrellas
  • El 0% de las calificaciones son de 1 estrellas
21 de junio de 2023

its very help full app when your theme not have the announcement bar and most of the feature are free

3 días usando la aplicación
7 de octubre de 2018

Brilliant! So quick and simple to use. Easy to customize so that it's a good fit with our Store's theme.

Hoya Store Australia
Alrededor de 3 horas usando la aplicación
12 de mayo de 2018

The bar is easy to set up and use. It would be great if the bar font can be determined by the font embedded in CSS.

Collema Wrapping
Alrededor de 3 horas usando la aplicación
22 de mayo de 2020

Super easy, free tier gets you a lot, paid tier is only 9.99/month and so worth it! Very easy to set up and customize. Set up a CTA and link it to a coupon or your email list and you're good to go!

EDGE Mobility System
Estados Unidos
Alrededor de 3 horas usando la aplicación
27 de noviembre de 2019

First time user and it was very simple to add my information and have it added to my store. Looks great and does exactly what it's supposed to.

Supreme Kitchen Islands
Estados Unidos
3 días usando la aplicación
10 de noviembre de 2021

was fine - as expected for a cheapo banner app, be better to have control over how the X is displayed, and perhaps the ability to add HTML to the banner text, but all good and easy to set up.

Fourpure Brewing Co.
Reino Unido
Alrededor de 3 horas usando la aplicación
1 de noviembre de 2016

pretty easy to use with the free one. But they do charge $4.99/month for some premium features.

Estados Unidos
3 días usando la aplicación
Fecha de modificación: 1 de febrero de 2016

I just used it to create a quick bar on my new online store! It was very easy and quick to set it up! I had a problem due to my peculiar situation.i reached out to the support on a Sunday evening and I got immediate reply and effective support! I have never had such a positive experience before with apps I was paying for. Love this app and would recommend it to anybody who wants to create a quick bar in a bunch of seconds and for free!

Natural Italian Skincare
Estados Unidos
Alrededor de 2 horas usando la aplicación
30 de marzo de 2017

the hardest part is deciding on texts and color. Gr8

Bizzibodiizz Bridal Wear
2 días usando la aplicación
26 de julio de 2017


Reynoso Tires
Estados Unidos
Alrededor de 2 horas usando la aplicación