#你还在一次打印一份文件吗?为什么? QuickPrint可以通过批量打印发票、收据和装箱单为你节省工作时间。你可以一次打印数百份文件。 #为什么使用QuickPrint? 一次打印一份文件既繁琐又耗时!QuickPrint让你可以批量打印文件,节省时间,避免错误,并且可以更快发货。 #3次点击批量打印多达250份文件 你可以轻松地一次打印一份或多达250份文件。 #Shopify标签 你可以使用Shopify标签在应用中标记订单,这些标签也会同步回Shopify。 #你可以使用QuickPrint打印的文件: * 发票 * 收据 * 装箱单 * 拣货单
What a fantastic app! Wish we had this when we signed on with Shopify years ago. If you have an online store then you should use Quick Print.
-Anthony Hazzard
Chief Operating Officer
I needed a way to print packing slips in bulk. This solved that problem and lets me print invoices and receipts as well. Anytime there is an issue support helps get it resolved very quickly- usually within a few hours. Fantastic customer service